Florida’s new attorney general has filed a federal lawsuit against Target, claiming the discount store chain “misled investors” by promoting diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives that prompted a backlash and ultimately cost shareholders.
Florida Attorney General James Uthmeier filed a lawsuit against Target, alleging that the retailer misled investors by promoting its diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.
The suit contends that Target's previous DEI efforts, including its Pride month merchandise, sparked backlash that harmed sales and shareholder returns.
Uthmeier, appointed by Gov. Ron DeSantis, claims the company violated the Securities Exchange Act by failing to disclose the known risks associated with its DEI strategy.
He vowed to use the state's legal power to challenge what he described as “offensive political theatre” and push for an America-first corporate agenda.
Right... And that's why Costco, which has not rolled back their DEI has been seeing pretty decent growth while Target has been slowly dropping since they started rolling it all back. They're all lying to us to make it feel like this is a bad thing because they want to get rid of it, even though the actual numbers show the exact opposite. It's the idea of being louder to make yourself seem smarter. And now we get to watch the economy tank as everyone in charge tells us it's all good.
East Asia is our greatest and longest Ally. We have always been at war with Eurasia. Remove such unthought from your head or report to the mintruth for processing.
It's funny considering recent lawsuits showing the exact opposite.
Don't be fooled into thinking this is about money. Fascists don't care about capitalism, scummy as capitalism is. Fascists only care about hurting people they think are weaker than them.
So wait a damn minute here. Target, a MN company, had (past tense) an expansive DEI program that they recently scrapped following along with the trend from multiple other outfits.
Unlike many other places the public actually got mobilized in some level to show they're pissed off at Target for ditching the program and refusing to shop there.
NOW the FL attorney general decided they should try and file a suit against them for being 'woke'?
What kind of backwards response is that? It hardly even makes sense from a political theater perspective much less in any practical way. Fascists, still unable to find their own ass with both hands and a flashlight...
Edit: It occured to me that as conspiratorial as it sounds it's possible Target begged for this treatment to try and gain some sympathy points for being picked on by the big bad far right. Give the people someone else they already hate to point at and maybe some 'forget' that you the company just gave a big FU to a sizable portion of your customers/employees/suppliers.
Idk, this recent target change feels too recent. Is there evidence that their DEI rollback has received a bunch of backlash? I don't think putting themselves in this situation would bring back sympathy compared to any other number of things that don't involve legal troubles.
I'm betting this is the rights way of making an example of a DEI company, "you ever do this, we will come after you, whether you undo it later or not"
I’ve been pushing more to spend at Costco and less at Target. These recent announcements have me leaning even harder into that previous plan. Before I
Was ambivalent about Target, now Ill generally go out of my way to avoid it.
So privately owned businessess are only free to make their own choices as long as those choices are to discriminate? Small government was obviously never the goal.
This isn't even the craziest story from florida this week, did you miss the story of the Floridian terrorist who shot an Israeli tourist thinking they were Palestinian earlier this week?
I guess DeSantis has been quiet aver since he was destroyed by trump but the people of Florida have been maintaining there reputation.
Nah, this is crazier. Ignore the DEI angle and this is a state suing a company for the crime of not being profitable. That's way more out of the norm than a racist gunman shooting people because he's racist.