I'm thinking it's a 50/50. The original creators left the project, but soon after ended up founding avatar studios at Nickelodeon. So maybe they left because of creative differences and the show will be horrible, or maybe they just left because avatar studios was too good to pass up. It's hard to know
They have a lot to prove and a lot to lose with this TV show. The source material is already fantastic, I am all for more avatar but considering recent adaptations like Witcher etc, I am not optimist. The cast seems nice though, but that is usually not enough.
Is it still going to happen? I saw the One Piece trailer and it looks fantastic. I hope Atla is made and comes close to that but then I didn't see anything on the page on Netflix about atla.
Back to the same stuff, eh? Don't people remember how the previous live action had gone? I expect this one to be no better. It's netflix after all and a live action on top of that.