It still doesn't cease to amaze me how absolutely clueless some people can be. How can you observe Trump's behaviour and think he'll do anything except be insane? He can't even form coherent sentences for goodness' sake!
I hope this moron, and all his Trump pals, lose everything.
they arent just uninformed... they are brainwashed. you dont just snap out of it. you cant logic yourself out of a position you did not logic yourself into
its like trying to convince someone that their religion is garbage. no matter what evidence you provide, their brain will work around it.
For the people who consume conservative media, it has not stopped since then. That’s why they are SO brainwashed into accepting the most ridiculous shit they’re told.
I think a huge problem is that a significant part of the population has poor long term memory. I saw interviews before the election where they asked voters and the ones who were pro Trump always talked about how he was a good businessman. They had completely forgotten that 4 years earlier they had to fight for toilet paper under Trump. A friend said before the election, "Biden was the worst President ever." "Did you forget that you had no toilet paper?" "Oh, yeah."