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  • Very frustrating to hear. I've been slowly migrating away from RHEL-based distros after they shifted CentOS to be upstream from RHEL. This is another nail in the coffin in my books.

  • Fool me once. I ran away from anything redhat when they clamped out on my free OpenShift with whatever they are doing now. Too brutal for me.

  • Right after the CentOS -> CentOS stream debacle last year, I switched to using debian for all my lab servers/infrastructure. This news makes it seem like that was definitely the right choice.

  • TIL RedHat is still relevant. I used RedHat in the 90s. I assumed it got left behind there.

    • So you haven't been paying attention for the past 20 years where Red Hat has consistently been the top Linux-centric company in terms of Kernel commits? This move has completely removed Red Hat or derivatives from my consideration when setting up new installs, but it's just silly or ignorant to pretend they aren't relevant.

    • Funny, that’s when I left it behind too

  • Corps need a self destruct mechanism for when they get out of control.

    Maybe is time to leave Fedora (and Nobara) behind. Not really feeling that great right now doing free testing for Red Hat, having so many alternatives.