Elon actually hands these out to people who don't want them because they were unpopular and an easy means of telling chuds apart from... uh, chads? There's a good chance hers is a forced advertisement and not something she's actually paying for.
I want Brad so emotionally scarred that every time he goes to tweet some bullshit he has a depression inducing anxiety attack so overwhelming that he has to find the nearest corner to go cry in until exhaustion.
Whoa, whoa. How dare this uppity woman talk like that to Dr. Bradley D. D. Wentworth, PhD., an internationally renowned expert on footballogy and beeristics?
His accolades include frequent beating of his wife, a penchant for racial slurs, and living in a trailer down by the river.
Space, Elon Musk is telling me I can get a great deal on being what he calls an “interplanetary servant” and that my sacrifice will be significant for humans in space! He’s so smart, he surely has all our best interests in mind. Anyway, off I go into the shower!
Don't take this the wrong way but from the list of achievements she sounds very much a Politician/PR-person/Lobbyist specialized in the area of Space Exploration, not an Engineer or a Scientist.
Still beats Beer-belly Brad by a long distance (probably not hard), but is such a person really worth celebrating in Science Memes?
Here's the thing, we scientists need our cheerleaders. We spend our time getting good at doing science, so it's worth it to hire someone who is good at hyping and advocating for our work. Go listen to the recordings of James Webb trying to explain to JFK that we need to do a shit-ton of science before we can get to the moon. JFK just plain doesn't understand the magnitude of what he's asking for. He thinks we could do it in 6 months. This lady is our champion.
Just because she isn't a straight engineer or scientist, doesn't make her expertise less worth it I don't think. And I would think that would make a very narrow acceptable requirements for this place.
It makes her an expert in advocacy and politics, not science or engineering.
Obviously advocacy expertise is no less worth than engineering expertise or science expertise, just like arts expertise is no less worth than any of that and ditto for plenty of other kinds of expertise in complex areas.
However, the "salesmanship" kinds of expertise are already the some of most widely celebrated and rewarded by present day society, hence my point.
Alexandra Doten is a science communicator and astronomy content creator who rose to fame on TikTok during the COVID-19 pandemic. Doten, a Vanderbilt graduate, interned at NASA for two summers and worked as a communications specialist after graduation. She later transitioned to the U.S. Space Force. Doten is known for her storytelling, which she says has inspired people to pursue careers in astronomy and space, and to invest in astrophotography equipment.
Not to give credit to Twitter verified assholes, but comms specialist is not a specific astronomy or aerospace field.
A former space communications specialist with NASA and later, the U.S. Space Force, today, I am an independent consultant to space organizations around the world. I write and develop brand strategies, educational presentations, speeches, and social media content.
And I harbor some pretty strong opinions about NASA's public and internal administration for the past 30 years.
Two preventable shuttle disasters and a hacksaw outsourced attempt to return to the moon are not what I would consider quality projects. Modern NASA is the epitome of wasted talent.
This verbal smack down could have been avoided had he read probably anything about her from online and didn't only know her because she dated a Foosball player.
You see ladies, mansplaining is a portmanteau of the words man, and explaining. Meaning a man explaining something... Actually let me back up. A portmanteau is a blending of two words in both sound and meaning.
oh shit i didnt know that, I love her content just thought she only worked at NASA in the dmv area. Used to run into her videos on insta - she REALLY loves space.
When those two astronauts were stuck in space(also fuck boeing), she provided some insides about their procedures and plans of return.
This is why I’m not on twitter, she shouldn’t have to defend herself and explain herself to that degree. People can be so toxic that on a game like marvel rivals I was absolutely dog shit at because my chat and voice chat were always visible, once I muted everything, I am suddenly reaching Gold II in a couple days. Be where you are wanted instead of jumping into the snake pit where you know exactly the opinions and beliefs of those snakes, there’s nothing to gain, fascists are fascists, what more can they build on than opinion and beliefs?
why? then he wouldn't've been humbled in such a satisfying, heart-warming way. clearly, he hasn't experience that nearly enough. not to mention the sheer audacity and what is very likely to be misogyny.
exactly, she wasn't saying she was a researcher, she was stating she wasn't an arm chair quarterback... Going with the sports analogy she's far closer to a manager or a coach... not a dude on the couch with just the perspective of what's shown on TV.