What's your least favorite episode of Star Trek (any non nutrek series)
The one that comes most vividly to my mind (and I make fun of all the time) "The Survivors" I just couldn't STAND that music box and the Deanna's reaction to it.
The one where Chacotay and Janeway become lizards and have lizard babies. I keep hoping the retcon that into some horrible Tom Paris holonovel joke. All it would take is like one mention from a TNG character, “Did you hear about that awful holonovel they found in Voyager’s memory banks?…”
For TNG it's whatever the ghost sex one was, something Rosa. For DS9 it's definitely the one where Quark sexually harasses his waitress and then becomes a woman. For Picard it's pretty much all the episodes. For TOS I don't have a least favorite episode.
Sub Rosa. I was going to say that one too. Definitely one of McFadden's best performances on the show, which is a real shame because the episode itself is such a turkey I can't watch it. Feels like the writer read Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches trilogy and couldn't resist inflicting their Equate brand Lasher on the viewers.
I love a musical, and the first number was pretty good, but then it leaned into soap-opera level emotions and that made everything feel like it was all taking way too long. I ended up skipping through the songs halfway through to the end (the Klingons were funny tho).
It would have worked for me if the songs had been great. But the idea that they did a musical episode with those boring tunes and that horribly premise ... Wow.
Q-Less was surprisingly dull, and proved that John De Lancie had no business visiting Deep Space Nine. There was just no chemistry there. (It was fun to watch Sisko punch Q, at least.)
There's also an episode where Quark is caught messing with the replicators, annoying the crew members with advertising. That was one of DS9's all-time best scenes ("I'll come to Quark's, and believe me, I WILL have fun."), but the remaining 40 minutes of that episode was a real buttnutter, about a planet of humanoids destined to die by a genetically engineered virus.
Just when you thought that any episode of TNG that featured Troi's mom was worth skipping, we soon were graced with the Kazon in Voyager.. The writers did us a solid when they finally warped that flying biohazard out of that part of the galaxy.
(So, my answer is any episode with Kazon, except the one where they tried to assemble a replicator with bubble gum and match sticks.)
Don't let my sarcasm fool you! Voyager is my go-to series.
Voyager has very real notable flaws but I truly to love it. Maybe I was too young to understand the flaws so I'm biased towards it now, but if you just relax and let it do its thing without asking too many questions, it is by far the most entertaining franchise of 90s Trek IMO.
I used to hate the Lwuxana Troi episodes but lately I kinda enjoy them. Mostly because they seem "new" to me since I barely paid attention to them in the past, but also because I know she is dead now, along with Gene and half the TOS folks. Not too long now before a bunch of others go to the big bridge in the sky. So I appreciate the moments of levity with old friends now, when they could just let their hair down and recite some shakespeare on the Enterprise with some confused Ferengi looking on.
That was a really hard episode to watch in the modern day. It was heart wrenching seeing how the moment it became possible that Seven was wrong about being assaulted, everyone turned on her in a truly vile way :(
It's one of those episodes where the point is incredibly forced (e.g. they were suspected of taking borg material from her, scan for it maybe?) and the message being "Men can be falsely accused and have their lives ruined" comes across VERY badly in a post #MeToo world when that industry is largely responsible for the kind of abuse it covers.
Nemesis, episode from Voyager… I just can’t hang with the dialogue… "If we greet the nemesis in the trunks, you'll fire like the rest. As long as you're with us, you do my tellings. Fathom?"
I came to say the same. The vocabulary of the Vori language was just too clumsy and substitutionary. There was no explanation why the universal translator couldn't use the words that speakers meant in English rather than the synonyms.
My SO and I still joke about "glimpsing with our glimpses" when one of us doesn't see something we're looking for.
Apparently the balance Biller tried to strike wasn't successful:
"The Vori language seems strange, but it merely substitutes various words with lesser-known synonyms (e.g., "glimpses" instead of "sees" or "eyes"). Janeway actress Kate Mulgrew commented about the Vori's vernacular, "Almost Chaucerian, they speak in what is like Old English." (Star Trek Monthly issue 32, p. 9) Regarding the creation of this communication style, Ken Biller commented, "I tried to create an interesting language for the aliens. Our aliens either sound too Human or they sound kind of hokey, and it's tough to find a balance. I decided to try to do something that was more stylized, where the language itself became part of the indoctrination, so that they spoke differently than our people do, and Chakotay began to speak with their language as he became more and more indoctrinated into this culture.""
“Home Soil” is the one that I wish would be erased from the timeline. “ugly bags of mostly water” was the laziest script writing in history. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Home_Soil