Trump will sneak in a quick rewrite to the first article, called 'First draft':
"Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, except when it involves disloyal media, un-American ideologies, or challenges to the rightful authority of the government. The press shall be free, provided it does not engage in fake news or report unfairly on the administration. The right of the people to peaceably assemble shall be protected, unless deemed disruptive, unpatriotic, or contrary to national interests. Only grievances deemed legitimate may be petitioned to the Government for redress."
Allthough it probably would look like this if actually wrote it:
"Look, free speech is great. The best. Nobody loves free speech more than me. But let’s be smart about it. We don’t want fake news running wild, do we? The press can be free, absolutely, but if they’re dishonest—if they lie, cheat, and work against America—then guess what? That’s not free speech, that’s fraud. And we’re not going to allow fraud. People can say what they want, sure, but if it’s radical, if it’s dangerous, if it hurts America—sorry, not happening. Protests? Fine, as long as they’re peaceful, respectful, and not a total disaster. And if you’ve got a problem with the government, you can petition—but let’s keep it reasonable. No whining, no hoaxes. Just common sense. It’s gonna be tremendous."
Obviously all terrible and dangerous for all citizens of the US and abroad. This is truly an test to see whether the US wants an king and whether it can withstand the assault on its institutions by someone hellbend on destroying whatever he can. He's like an unskilled stratego player that would rather throw an tantrum and destroy the game, rather than learn to play the game.
My co-worker mentioned Edolph and his pet orange turd are openly naming the Mexican cartels now. I really hope they retaliate and aren't in bed with these scumbags because if they're not, then the Sinaloa's are extremely good at the FAFO game.
Yeah, because having a Mexican cartel assassinate the president of the United States’ family members would definitely help to quiet the xenophobic “sending their rapists and murderers” claims /s
Instead of whining like a 5 year old, why doesn't he use his obscene wealth to pay an army of Chinese internet trolls to rewrite Wikipedia to his liking? I bet Wikipedia and the regular contributors wouldn't even have the resources to withstand the assault and correct the untruths faster than they'd be created.
Wikipedia is extremely resistant to this kind of thing. They've been dealing with it for decades now. All kinds of people have had that idea, sometimes professionally being paid by some company/country/individual to the tune of quite a bit of money. Sometimes they do succeed in bending the narrative slightly in particular ways, but the simple "overwhelm everyone's resources" approach that works a treat on Lemmy or Facebook can get simply brushed aside on Wikipedia because of its strong culture and good design features.
As an editor with advanced rollback rights on Wikipedia; I can agree with the above statement.
It is Extremely Difficult; even with slighly escalated rollback rights such as mine; to push an agenda on Wikipedia.
WP:NPOV is a good read and the editing community and contribution culture on Wikipedia enforces it strongly.
EnWiki itself for certain has some very strong Page Protection policies that prevent just any editor from munging up the encyclopedia or changing history.
It's safe to say that Wikimedia cannot be bent or broken easily by special interest groups...Vandalism and PoV pushing is quickly quelled by sysops on Wikipedia. There are more of us editors than Elon could ever possibly hope to take on.
Not even Elon Musk gets to ignore Wikimedia policies. That will never change. They are written in blood and sweat and cannot be manipulated. The entire foundation is set up in a way that it always, eventually, cracks down on corruption and greed. Not even a cabal of admins, bureaucrats and Wikimedia Stewards can help you.
Not to give them ideas but couldn’t he just fund his own fake Wikipedia clone? X-cylipedia or some shit? Claim it’s the truth and it’s very existence becomes a PR trap for the media who will cover it like hotcakes for free
If people with this mindset could be happy with just having their own thing, not polluted with the ideas of others, there would be no conflict. Unfortunately the mindset requires that there can't be other people in the world doing their own thing.
You know you can say "Chinese troll" without hating anybody, yes?
As in "the person is a troll" and "the person is Chinese". No hate anywhere: it's just two facts that happen to go together quite well because China is kind of notorious for being the place where you can find internet trolls for hire for cheap.
You need to stop thinking everything in terms of how racist it sounds.