i wish i had the luxury of choice. being in a small town, away from everything. i can choose walmart, dollar store (bad choice, period. prices are high on stuff you actually want or need), or a local (pay our exorbitant prices because we aren't walmart) grocery. everything else is an hour or two away.
Even worse is when you try to "support local" and discover that, sure, the local hardware store sponsors the town's little league team, but the owner also reposts racist memes on his personal social media page. You can't win.
I mean, even in the cities you're lucky to have a choice of three different corporate grocery stores that underpay their workers to choose from. Costco is alright but, from a non-member perspective, I don't think it's practical to make that your only source of groceries.
You can order stuff online, including groceries. Dry and canned goods are available online from a lot of retailers. Meal kits are surprisingly economical if you rotate through them like streaming channels, and use a promo code.