It's worse than meaningless, it's two fistfuls of high calibre rounds thrown into a bonfire with all the countries of the world stood around it not knowing who's going to be eating lead. It's unpredictable in a lot of ways, and that's even more dangerous than just being the strongest bully around. It's an invisible axe hanging over everyone's head, even Americans....Trump wanted to bring in the army to shoot people in the knees during the pandemic civil unrests, several times only people around Trump insisting that it was illegal to do that and refusing to do it anyway prevented US Armed forces and National Guard from being deployed against the citizenry of the USA. Right now it's like playing Russian Roulette, except that the gun isn't a revolver, it's a fully automatic assault rifle with blanks loaded into an unknown number of spots in the magazine, and we're not handing it around the group to take turns, there's a demented Cheeto swinging it in a circle above his head tied to a rope and it's randomly firing.