History suggests that Russia considers concession a form of unconditional surrender, after which they are free to continue doing whatever they want regardless of what agreements they signed.
You can win a war against russia and they still won't honour any treaties.
Never trust a prostitutes tears, thiefs honour and russian peomises. A proverb from russias neighbour
Also, it is so important these days to distinguish between a country as "fucked up government" and a country as "people who just want to live their lives, have a house or apartment and maybe 0-6 kids". Same goes for Russia, China, Europe (in how it deals with refugees), MENA, ...
Zelenskyy is a bamf, idk what his domestic politics are like but he is doing everything he can in his position to win. He's clearly trolling Trump to make him look weak and Trump is so fucking stupid it might work.
While mineral rights and new border negotiations are up to Ukraine to negotiate for themself, not the US, I think NATO membership is the one thing in these peace negotiations that they don't really get to pick. It's up to the other NATO members, including the soviet United States. Ukraine may be better off getting one-on-one mutual defense agreements with various countries.
To be clear, as a US voter I support Ukraine joining NATO the minute they have a peace treaty. But I'm not the one making the decision.
Only his people and his army... funded by NATO countries. I'm sorry but you can't act like you've been getting no support here. Ukraine would be a Russian puppet state right now if it weren't for foreign aid.
He said only our troops and army, when it's actually their troops and army and a boatload of financial and equipment support from NATO countries. To the point we're only talking about this because one of those countries elected a syphilitic cheeto who wants to make a deal to get something in return for continuing to fund their ongoing war, mostly because shutting off that funding serves his master, aka Putin.
He undercuts his own point by not acknowledging the reality of the situation. It is a mistake not to mention the crucial role NATO has played in Ukraine's defense.
Yeah, I have the utmost respect for what Ukraine has done. They have stood firm and paid a heavy price for it. It simply wouldn't have been possible without the massive amount of funding and weapon donations though and I think they need to be diplomatically careful. It's likely that the USA is preparing to throw them under the bus so will be relying on the rest of NATO for continued support. I'm not sure diminishing their contributions (while there is internal right wing/Russian pressure) is the best strategy.
He knows, and we know he knows.
He needs to look strong and we don't need him to lessen his position or dilute his message to assuage our pride or some shit.
Jesus, it's like you fucking gave money to their Kickstarter and are whining coz you didn't get your credit yet. Can you wait till Ukraine has won at least?
This is the leader of a country, not a professional wrestler. He doesn't need to look like anything. He needs to be careful how he negotiates, to obtain as much aid as he can. I don't think you do that by acting like you've been given nothing, when the continued existence of your nation hinges entirely on the support of NATO.