The notion of a deep state is absurd and is just right-wing bullshit demonizing government employees so that conservatives could justify tearing it down like they're doing now.
For years, the problem at many agencies has been getting enough good people into government, because who wants to work at a place they'll be often underpaid and treated/discussed like shit? The IRS is a great example. Their collection efforts (e.g. Biden making an effort to go claim unpaid taxes from wealthier Americans) repay something like 10-to-1 what is spent on them, but year-after-year-after-year they're underfunded, because it's easy to say, "Fuck the IRS! BOOOO TAXES!" And nobody wants to hear, "Collecting taxes is literally one of THE essential aspects of government. The agency that collects them needs more resources to do it well--they're literally still using 1980s computer equipment. Please give the IRS more money."
The reality is so much less sexy than any conspiracy would have you believe. Less "secret underground bunkers with flashing lights" and more "dilapidated Soviet building that it turns out has been unoccupied for 25 years, but all the files are still in the cabinets, because they just left one day and nobody gave a fuck."
Latest John Oliver Trump segment shows exactly that: 19-year-old Elon Musk follower known as "Big Balls" online who as of now is a senior adviser at the State Department. :) :) :) :) :)
I admit I’m flat out shocked that the alphabet agencies appear to have done NOTHING in terms of preparatory/counterintel/firewalling/contingency work. I hope that means they did it right, and important things are being hidden from him. But who knows.
Because the Illuminati and Bilderberg Group want America to go authoritarian in the same way that Russia and China are. They're also working on the EU, but the Freemasons hold more power and influence across Europe, which limits how much the pro-authoritarian factions can accomplish. The Freemasons are also weak in America due to the decline in Americans' favourability to charity.
This arrangement is conducive to the interests of the Lizard People. First of all, by keeping America, Russia, China, and the EU at odds, the people don't question existing power structures which would lead them to rise up against the Deep State. Moreover, by keeping the Illuminati and Freemasons occupied with jostling for position, it keeps the Deep State from uniting against (or even knowing about) the Inner Circle, and so the Lizard People get to keep secretly ruling the world.
And don't think the Arcturans or Nordics will save us. They may act benevolent, but they just want to oust the Lizard People so they can take over.
now they have two movements in the white house. one is neo-feudalism the other is techno-feudalism. and it looks like the techno-feudalitst are taking over.
It was always a made up thing. Government leaders are doing what they always do. They're obeying the president to the limits of the law. Where Trump and Musk are insisting on things they think are illegal they are resisting until they're forced out or they resign/retire.
Many friends and family members are all over in the US government. Trumps claim of some deep state baffles every single one of them. It’s a bogey man. It doesn’t exist in any form. It is a lie meant to fool simpletons.
Deep state is (generally agreed to be) non-elected officials who have the ability to sway govt functions. They can stick around for decades which is a good thing until it's not. Their "power" is more about making things not happen.
The "resist" movement from the first admin could be seen as an example of deep state. If an elected person wants to do something that they have the power to do but the lower levels of govt disagree (ie it isn't in someone else's best interest) suddenly there will be things to stop it from happening or make it so slow, painful and costly that the elected would rather do something else instead.
Errors in paperwork, extra "random" inspections, key people in the process calling sick, insisting on following all procedure step by step no matter what etc.
Always has been. Whenever conservatives say the government doesn't work and the government wants to destroy their way of life, they are describing a conservative government. It's always projection with these assholes.