And y'all really think you'll see any of that money? Or that your taxes will go down because of all the new savings? Like I get it, the government wastes money. But if you think this helps the average American in any way you are extremely naive.
So better to just keep wasting money? You know that is basically accepting corruption right? You know for sure that the average American will not profit from that.
And defunding things that help people just because you disagree with it isn't corruption? Even when you know all this money they are "saving" is just going right back into their pockets? Lemme know when you get your check in the mail and maybe then I'll believe you.
Gosh I guess we don't want to make any friends nor have any influence with the citizens of other countries, better put a stop to that right away. Let China make friends and influence people all across the globe, not the USA.
Meanwhile the pentagon is pissing money into the ocean at an alarming yet impossible to actually calculate rate.
You are incredibly stupid in that case. Only one of those may have been a bad investment. Even if you want to be the cruelest, most self serving prick this side of capitalism most of those help keep the world stable, which goes to prevent large scale terrorism against the u.s. and preemptively lower migration/refugee rates.