I've been using a lot of torrents for my jellyfin server and my current process is the rename the files to something similar to whats found in the jellyfin documentation around naming and had a couple questions.
Currently, almost all the torrents i find default to something similar to this:
I usually change the name in the in the qBitTorrent client before downloading to something like LinuxISO.HEVC-PSA but was wondering if there was a way to avoid having to do the renamings. Its not really that tedious but its more so If im wanting to seed files again later, I would need the file names to match exactly. What I've found in my search is software like sonarr and radar could possibly create links? I'm not very familiar with what that does exactly but I was also wondering if its possible to have Jellyfin read the name via a sub folder such as Movies/LinusISO/ or from metadata.
Anyone else know the least tedious workaround for this? Can Jellyfin actually just read the original file naming?
Jellyfin usually picks up on the filenames for me from torrents. If not, I just click on the "Identify" button and enter the name of the media and the year if it's ambiguous and it works that way no problem.
In the "Shows" section (or whatever media you're identifying), that displays all of that media type, yep.
First hit the triple dot menu on the media that needs identifying.
From there you can find the "Identify" button.
It opens up a form where you can enter in Name, Year, and if you get really stuck, you can enter in a Imdb id. Then Jellyfin will pull the metadata from the internet and populate the image and name and all that stuff accurately. Works well!
If I remember correctly, when I first started the server, it was showing the name on the server as the long name with details instead of just the movie name. Although that could have been my fault.
On the seeding side, I've tried seeding the renamed files through the torrent but it seems since the movie names didn't match it would start trying to download again instead of seeding directly. I may try transmission but I likes qbittorrents interface linking to the vpn. Transmission seems to need it typed out while qbittorrent let's you select from a list. I just felt more confident having it selected as opposed to typed out.
it was showing the name on the server as the long name with details instead of just the movie name.
Yea, sounds it couldn't match the movie. But in my expirence that rarley happens and I only rename files when a matching issue occures.
I’ve tried seeding the renamed files through the torrent but it seems since the movie names didn’t match it would start trying to download again
Another option would be to create a hardlink from the torrent folder to your library folder. That way you can have two completely independent filenames.
If you rename it using your BitTorrent client, it should still seed fine.
If you’re on Linux, a better option in my opinion, is to make a symlink to your Jellyfin folder and rename the link. The torrent client will see the original filename. Jellyfin will see the new filename.
In my case, I’ll move the finished file to my Jellyfin library (since that’s what my backup software points to). I copy the original filename temporarily. I rename the original file how I like it. Then I make the symlink into the folder I’m seeding from. I then rename the link to match the original filename.