Boomkop3 That last one is more common than I'd like, a lot more
42 0 ReplyByteJunk
$ cp -r src/ src.old
No sir never seen it in me life, honest to god sir
9 0 Replypewpew
Oh I used to do it as a kid
8 0 Reply
cd ~/repos/work-project27 git checkout dev git branch new_feature ### code for a few hours, close laptop, go to sleep, next morning git checkout dev ### code for a few more hours, close laptop go to sleep, next morning ## "oh fuck, I already implemented this in new_feature but differently" git checkout dev git diff new_feature ## "oh no. oh no no no. oh fuck. I can't merge any of this upstream and my history is borked." git clone git@workhub:work/work-project work-project28 cd ~/repos/work-project28
36 0 ReplyProgrammer Belch
Truly a Sisyphus tale
15 0 Replytetris11
18 0 Reply
At university there were some students that want to manage projekts in could storange. That was just stupid but i didn't know it better at that time.
17 0 Replylesnout27 45 0 ReplyTamlyn
I'm sick...that's my excuse....
17 0 ReplyValmond It's quantum stuff, I could do that, or I could not do that...
10 0 Reply
The last is just a normal git workflow, isn’t it?
14 1 ReplyJyek I'm pretty sure it means, they copy and paste the project file and iterate the version number manually.
2 0 Reply
mEEGal the last one is just immutability, praised in modern JS / TS, albeit at the repo level
14 2 Replyfrezik I "love" how JavaScript has slowly rediscovered every piece of functional programming wisdom that was developed before 1980.
16 0 Replyexpr Kind of, though they honestly just do pretend immutability. Object references are still copied everywhere.
2 0 Reply
Slotos Why did you mention git twice?
10 0 ReplyThadah D. Denyse OP While TFS did support Git, I had to deal with the much worse TFVC for a long while, up until Azure DevOps came along.
5 0 Reply
Ugurcan It’s actually a pretty good idea to have a full system snapshot time to time, where the project can compile successfully, for future Virtual Machine use. It’s usually easier to spin a VM than setting up the whole dev environment from scratch.
9 2 Replybrandon
MyProject - Copy v2.bak new NEW (3)/
7 0 Replylars And when it’s release, then you rename it to
MyProject - Copy v2.bak new NEW (3) FINAL.2-19-24/
and then at the next standup, we all ponder how we can rename it to
MyProject - Copy v2.bak new NEW (3) FINAL.2/19/24/
because the team lead needs m/d/yy names with forward slashes
3 0 Reply
Matriks404 Git is so ready to understand, that I don't understand how people work without it.
6 0 ReplyEcho Dot It's one of those things that's hard to really understand why it's so useful, until you actually use it.
5 0 Reply
Alphare As one of the maintainers of Mercurial, I take great offense in this meme. ;)
6 0 Replynogooduser It’s definitely up with Git in my opinion. I much prefer the branching in Mercurial.
It’s certainly very offensive to lump it in the same band as SVN and TFVC.
5 0 Replybleistift2
What could possibly be preferrable to
git switch -c <branchname>
?5 0 ReplyAlphare Given that Git and Mercurial were both created around April 2005 to serve the same purpose by very similar people for the same reason... I'd say it's fair!
4 0 Reply
cp $fic $fic.$(date -Iseconds) git commit -a -m "save at $(date -Iseconds)" # edit $fic git commit -a -m "save at $(date -Iseconds)" git push -f
5 0 ReplyZILtoid1991 cp?💀
3 0 Replyoptional cp is short for create packup
1 0 Reply
parpol Couldn't add perforce to the list because someone else was checking it out, I see.
4 0 Replynogooduser And worse than all of those options is Visual Sourcesafe.
4 0 ReplyValmond Fox Pro!
3 0 Reply
0101100101 CVS is gonna make a comeback! I tell ya!
3 0 Reply0101100101 I do miss the tags of SVN that would replace certain strings on each commit such as the date, a version number, etc.
3 0 ReplyGenderNeutralBro No love for cvs?
2 0 ReplyCarighan Maconar
I miss mercurial and it's far more sensical flags and commands...
2 0 Replywewbull Me too. It also handled some situations, like divergent lines in the same branch or obsolete changes, much better.
2 0 ReplyAlphare It's still here and very much alive in case you were curious.
2 0 Replynogooduser The only reason that we stopped using Mercurial is that Microsoft used Git in Azure DevOps. I still wish that they’d supported Mercurial instead of or as well as Git.
1 0 Reply
nogooduser I really liked Mercurial too. It was much easier to follow branches to find out if a branch included a commit.
1 0 Reply
cp index.php index.php-20250220
1 0 Replyalmost1337 Perforce Helix, here I come!
1 0 ReplyJade The last one can easily describe Django. Feels like depending on the code base/your mistakes/people you work with can easily turn a normal project into a project where majority of the files is just migration files.
1 0 Reply0x01 I knew a dude who would burn a cd every week and store it in his house as his version control, his software is still used by hundreds of businesses to this day
0 1 Reply