I've basically been hit by what seems to be 3-4 different viruses since December.
The massive fever was the last one. A cold towel, acetaminophen, and taking in a ton of fluids finally broke that one for me and it suddenly switched from a baking dry overheat to the sweats at which point my temperature went down very quickly
I had a cough that has also escalated into a sneeze and generalized inflammation, and feel like I'm basically Made Of Gross (even more than usual...). My nose has turned into a faucet x_x this shit fucking burned my entire work week. Pretty sure this is a flu strain. Gonna see urgent care in the morning I think. Bleh.
I'm on the other side of a flu bug and I'm so relieved. This morning is the first time I've slept through the night and not woken up in a cold sweat with excruciatingly aching legs and back for 4 days straight.
Started as a harmless cough, escalated to full blown flu in 3 days. Today, day 8 I think I can actually do things.
Just in time for my wife to start her day 3, so I can look after her like she did me.