at the core of every genocide is some sickeningly arbitrary difference that not even the people enacting the genocide can fully discern. Palestinians are indigenous to the Levant, just like Jews were. they just survived the ethnic cleansing enacted by the romans differently. similarly by both russia, and many Ukrainians telling of the origins of the rus, they originated from Kyiv. back in the 1930s and 40s, the Germans had to invent more and more arbitrary ways to identify Jews because since resettlement in Galitsye (today divided between Germany, Chzechia, Poland, russia, and Ukraine) Jews integrated themselves into the indigenous population (in large part thanks to unprecedented religious tolerance on behalf of the people of Galitsye and later Poland) meaning telling who was and wasn't Jewish was hard to impossible for the German officers responsible for deciding who to kill.
my point is this: arbitrarily killing Palestinians is antisemitic. it runs even a little deeper than simply "Palestinians are semitic, just like me" given that their cultural traditions are shared. it gets into violence against my sister is violence against me. harm against Palestinians is harm against Jews. once there are no more identifiably Palestinian people left to kill, next will come the Jews who aren't identifiably non-Palestinian enough. and who decides who that is? where does the killing stop?
the best way to avoid being killed in a genocide is to prevent genocide from happening. the second best way is to bring ongoing genocides to an end. unfortunately, it is falling to us, the populace, to defend ourselves from the military apparatus of the imperial powers of the globe. a great battle is about to unfold between the forces of good, evil, and indifference, just as it has approximately every 80 years throughout history. part of our aim in thi; battle is to preserve our message that we were here. that there was good in the world even at its worst.
i hope you've read a diary of a young girl by anne frank, and understand its gravity. it breaks my heart that a 13 year old saw all of what i'm seeing and chose to make her death meaningful as a story that passes this tale of resistance and kindness in the face of atrocity to me, but the point is that her voice made it through. so please, don't put her pain to waste. start taking actions you think 80 years from now someone who learns what you did during this time will be proud of, and find inspiring. even if it's something as simple as documenting the things you see, or growing food to share with your neighbors.
do what our ancestors did when faced with these times, plant trees the shade of which your physical body will never rest under
Palestinians is antisemitic. it runs even a little deeper than simply “Palestinians are semitic
Antisemitism only means hatred of Jews and nothing else. Trying to water the term down like you’re doing is extremely bad faith and usually done to give cover to antisemites.
That said, yes, many Palestinians have Jewish ancestors.
once there are no more identifiably Palestinian people left to kill, next will come the Jews
Palestinians is antisemitic. it runs even a little deeper than simply “Palestinians are semitic
Antisemitism only means hatred of Jews and nothing else. Trying to water the term down like you’re doing is extremely bad faith and usually done to give cover to antisemites.
That said, yes, many Palestinians have Jewish ancestors.
once there are no more identifiably Palestinian people left to kill, next will come the Jews
Don't tell me how to interface with hatred against my Jewish identity that I have to face every day. Don't tell me to look at the hate perpetrated in my name against my sisters and not to speak against it, especially when the hatred is deranged and twisted and harms me as well. You're welcome to disagree with me that our two people's are intrinsically linked to each other by history and culture, which apparently you do, but this is not a bad faith argument. This is something I believe with my entire heart. Jews and Palestinians are one people. Zionism is an act of hate against both.
They'll probably call themselves Patresortians to reflect how great patriots they are to be proud of making such a terrible place so beatiful (in their minds).
Same way American emmigrants like to call expats instead of emmigrants
The use of the word Palestinian changed over time. Before the establishment of Israel Palestinian was often used specifically to refer to Jews living in the holy land. Lots of Jewish founded institutions like airlines, newspapers, sports teams, orchestras were named Palestinian. They changed their names after Israel was founded.
The Arabs used Palestinian as their national identity only after Israel was established. The Palestinian identity as we know it today coalesced in the 1960s.
Before the British Mandate for Palestine, the Arabs in the region tended to identify as Syrian.
which refutes your claims in the last sentences but surely why should we trust britannica over a zionism apologist who clearly is pandering to their political agenda.
Like all for all other Nazi-style movements, Zionists are going into the next stage of ethno-Fascism: the part were the Zionists start killing other members of the ethnicity they claim to represent for "not being White enough".
(Just go check how they treat Ethiopian Jews is Israel if you have any doubt that they're a white supremacist movement)
Sure there’s prejudice around skin color and discrimination, but isn’t this the case all around the world? Ethiopian Israelis have their struggles, but overall their community is doing very well. Bibi Netanyahu has many times publicly denounced racism against Ethiopian Jews and met with victims of violence. Here Bibi celebrates an Ethiopian IDF officer publicly as a hero to standing ovations. There are special scholarships for Ethiopian Jews to higher education and integrate them better into society. The IDF makes an effort in this field as well.
Let’s listen to what Ethiopian Jews have to say about this,
An extract: 'Albert Einstein, in a letter to The New York Times in 1948, compared Irgun and its successor Herut party to "Nazi and Fascist parties" and described it as a "terrorist, right wing, chauvinist organization".'
But what would a genius German Jew who escaped the Holocaust know about fascism, right?
Have you ever seen Israelis and actual Palestinians? Palestinians are pretty diverse themselves regarding skin color and looks. There are Palestinians with African features and dark skin, as well as ones with red hair and blue eyes. The region at the crossroads between Africa and Asia has always had different kinds of people moving there.
More than half of Jewish Israelis have ancestors who were expelled from Muslim and Arab countries. They don’t typically look like Northern Europeans, but more like Arabs.
They literally did. One of the victims allegedly posted on Instagram some pics from the aftermath of the shooting and wrote "Death to Arabs" in Hebrew. Imagine the uproar and condemnation if someone posts the same slogan for them?
Biden was pretty shit on police accountability and gun control, but they did implement universal background checks for gun sales. Conversely, the previous Trump administration removed a portion of background checks for mental instability/incompetence.
So there is a pretty large measurable difference between who we elect on gun control.
I've been reading about dems making progress on "gun control" through the minimal "background checks" path since Clinton's brady bill passed in 1993 and supposedly gave us the same exact thing. But somehow here we are 32 years later celebrating it like its new and was ever going to make any dent in the real problem.
Harris was talking lovingly about her glock on the campaign trail. What a fine example for children everywhere. The centrists have never led the party anywhere in terms of gun control, and never will. They dont care to solve the problem.