Organized by #Diem25 Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East, Eye4palestine, Gaza Komitee
The entire proceeds of the event will be donated to UNRWA and Medico International for emergency aid to Gaza.
speakers include:
Francesca Albanese (UN SR)
Michael Barenboim (Violinist, Barenboim-Said Academy)
Leila Boukarim (A million Kites)
Julia Duchrow (Amnesty International)
Qassem Massri (Palestinian Doctor, Berlin) & many more
“Democracy under attack in Germany 🔥🔥‼️‼️due to extreme political pressure the initial venue cancelled our event. But we resist! New location: at News Outlet [Junge Welt] …”
“In a deeply concerning escalation, the organisers of ‘Reclaiming the Discourse: Palestine, Justice, and Truth’ … are facing ruthless attacks on their fundamental rights to freedom of speech, assembly, and expression.
“The venue, Kühlhaus Berlin, faced immense pressure from German politicians and the Berlin police to cancel the event.“
“German authorities, already responsible for canceling two events featuring #FrancescaAlbanese, are now escalating their efforts to silence her voice even further. Now, Berlin authorities are ratcheting up their efforts to quash this crucial conversation, putting the organisers and panelists under extreme pressure and threatening disruption through overwhelming riot police presence ...”