Organic Maps is the most private offline map app, it looks prettier than Google Maps and Apple Maps, it leverages data from openstreetmap that you can update easily compared to the competitors, it’s very battery efficient and the best of all its FOSS.
I just realized yesterday there's a beta Linux version. It's nowhere near as polished as the Android one, but it does seem to work. Hopefully that gets some love.
My main issue with organic maps is the lack of public transit routing. There seems to be a way to use GTFS - but you have to manually download the data and build the app..
I know it goes against privacy concerns, but I miss the traffic/congestion capabilities of Google maps. Sure, taking the interstate may be the fastest/most direct route normally, but today there's an accident that's blocking the two left lanes and everything is fucked.
Sure! Do you need it to react in any way at all?...
More seriously though, there's a microphone button for the search box, which uses the Google Speech service on my phone. It doesn't seem like it does a lot with speech though.
OSM search is actually really, really bad if you don't use overpass. This has nothing to do with data quality. The default search just sucks. Organic Maps is no different here. You simply cannot throw a basic string search at a relational database and expect good results.