Wild how accurate this is. My five-year-old is tough as nails because we've never once overreacted to her having a spill. Always, always play it cool like nothing even happened. Smile and make light of it. "Holy smokes, kid! You're like a tumbling monkey!" They'll usually realize it was kind of funny.
Unless they get up and start bawling frantically, they're neither hurt nor afraid.
Exactly this. I think it's important to make a point out of checking that they're not injured, but without exaggerating the situation. If we adults get stressed out, they're more likely to get stressed/scared as well, even though they're not injured and not even really in pain.
Yeah the accuracy is amazing. My four-year-old got hit by a meteor, and even though earth veered off course and billions died, I never acknowledged it and they're A-OK.