The renaming of the gulf and the mountain is not a meaningless distinction. They wanna rewrite history to delete indiginous cultures just like they wanna erase trans and queer people with stonewall stuff. This is all part of their big move and if people get hung up thinking any of this is meaningless you let them win some part of this battle because you think it's meaningless . then you let things shift back in their favour so even if they don't get all they want now they will get something and further something for their next generation of jerks to try and continue stripping away history to make their fascist oligarchical hellscape reality. But by all means meme it up
Yes, all the things they're doing are indeed part of a plan and all of that plan is bad. It's more that some of what they're doing (right now, actively) is hurting people and setting up for even worse things. Erasure is bad but you've gotta pick your battles, its much harder to stop any of this when they take away your ability to vote.
Any sane regulatory body would go, "These obviously apply here. It's the same location just under a different name."
Unfortunately, though, with the Chevron decision that came out not too long ago, I'm pretty confident that any such pushback will be immediately thrown to the courts and likely shot down.