So, let me clarify, you could've wished for a proper communism without state and such bullshit, but wished for an autocracy with ambitions of world domination to be undissolved? Great job here, mate!
Idk, I think it would be a net positive for the world. As the dissolution brought a few bad things with it, like child prostitution, alcoholism on an international scale, drug abuse, corruption on a never seen before scale, and just in general things became a tiny bit worse for an average person.
If anything, we do have an autocracy with ambitions of world domination brewing (ie Russia) as a direct result of the illegal dissolution. In all honesty, would be better to wish that the liberal economics reforms were never adopted, that ideally would keep things at bay.
Fair enough; although, I meant more of a communism on a world scale, with rewiring the brains of those selfish bastards that actively oppose it for their benefit, and all that jazz. So, pretty much the thing a genie's help (or something equally unbelievable) is necessary atm.
The Soviet Union was working towards Communism, if it wasn't dissolved then Humanity as a whole would be a lot farther along in the transition to Communism globally. The Soviet Union was not an "autocracy," nor did it have "ambitions of world domination." Such claims come from Red Scare nonsense.
Sure it wasn't. And, say, attempts to limit citizens' freedoms of [speeh, movement, religion (although I personally think it's cancer)] or even music they listen to are just a coincidence. Look, I'm not saying USSR was all bad, but, frankly speaking, trying to depict it as some kind of heaven on earth is just as flawed as the red scare you've mentioned.
A leftist front would get elected to form the central govt in India
Land and Education reform happens in all states, while ensuring that superstition is reduced and the consitutional duty of developing Scientific temper is given a bit more focus
The world certainly would be a much better place now if the Soviet Union had persisted, rather than having millions die due to the reintroduction of Capitalism.
I was under the impression we were commenting on a hastily made political meme on the Fedi, I didn't come prepared to post an insurrectionist handbook to your comments section OP
If your goal is the elimination of the state, surely you'd put more weight behind states controlled by Leftists against states controlled by Capitalists in the process, right? As a sort of temporary ally thing, presuming your goal is full decentralization and not the Marxist conception of full centralization and democratization as Communism.
I do not have state level goals. I am not a state level actor. I am a captive pawn in the colonies, and in my region the only legitimate state is the Senecas, at least to my knowledge. They are good folks but idk if they are "leftists" or whatever. They are just people who live there and have been under attack for hundreds of years. You are describing a philosophical fantasy.