You know, he was president before. You can know what he cares about by having lived through Trump 1.0. Now he's brought along a bunch of weasels to grift, but he doesn't care about anything that helps you.
A lot of these yahoos get their news from places that don't report on what a s***** job he did before and how badly he screwed us over. They still think that he is the greatest thing since the wheel and that he is their savior come to make everything all better.
He killed 300,000 Americans. He was blantantly anti-muslim, anti-semitic, racist, homophobic, transphobic, and sexist. And that still wasn't enough for people to keep him out of office.
I'm an Englishman that's lived in Australia for thirty years. I put $100 on Kamala to win because the odds meant that I would get back a fair bit more.
I was completely convinced that trump didn't stand any chance whatsoever.
Losing that money wasn't too upsetting. That trump got in is deeply disturbing though.
Work with me on this one. It's almost as if he doesn't care about anything other than himself. I know, crazy, right? And other than his entire history, there's been almost no hint of it.
Hard hitting stuff. Reminds me of when the press revealed that Brexit wouldn’t actually free up £300 million a week to spend on hospitals - or indeed any money ever - but only after the vote.
Treason Trump pulled a classic bait and switch. People stupidly thought they were voting against things like inflation and immigration. Instead they actually voted to massively degrade the quality of government towards Venezuelan levels and completely eliminate all the checks on government corruption.