Apparently there's a conservative Lemmy community? Anyways, here's some great face eating from one of their articles they posted.
Text from article:
David Rice, a disabled Army paratrooper who has been on probation since joining the U.S. Department of Energy in September, also learned Thursday night that he had lost his job.
Rice, who has been working as a foreign affairs specialist on health matters relating to radiation exposure, said he’d been led to believe that his job would likely be safe. But on Thursday night, when he logged into his computer for a meeting with Japanese representatives, he saw an email saying he’d been fired.
“It’s just been chaos,” said Rice, 50, who had just bought a house in Melbourne, Florida, after he got the job.
Rice said he agrees with the Trump administration’s goal of making the government more efficient, but objects to the random, scattershot approach being taken.
A disabled federal government worker who supports Trump. You have to be a special kind of clueless to be in all of those camps.
Did he think being a veteran would protect him from the fickle judgement of the guy who famously called dead and injured soldiers "suckers and losers"?
DEI allowed people with disabilities to work in government. This dipshit Trumper MAGA fuckwit thinks he was immune. Fuck him. Hope he gets everything he voted for.
That’s because Trumpers conveniently forget to mention the “A” in “DEIA”. The A stands for “Accessibility”. As in, accessibility for the disabled to actually be able to do their jobs with reasonable accommodations. If you kill DEI, you also kill accessibility.
The article says he agrees with one point of the Trump administration, where I come from that doesn’t mean you support the entire administration’s point of view, but I might be wrong about that in the US
They all fail at game theory. When being negative, everyone loses. Tit for Tat + 10% forgiveness is the most successful and highest growth potential. T4T means you are always nice, always positive, and when someone is negative, you respond in kind but randomly forgive 10% of the time to exit the stupidity spiral. Most world leaders know and operate under T4T now that it was established as the only path to maximal growth for everyone. Failing to apply this when everyone else is applying it will ALWAYS result in bringing everyone down but the most damage will ALWAYS occur to the perpetrating entity when all others are playing T4Tpt.
The person you're replying to is describing (without giving proper context except for "game theory") an algorithm that's fairly successful at the "iterated prisoners dilemma":
I don't know where this particular graph came from, but Richard Dawkins has a whole chapter about strategies for the prisoner's dilemma in his book "The Selfish Gene".
There are a variety of ways. One way is to run a computer program that executes each strategy and then just have them all go against each other some number of times like a tournament, or sometimes just "random matchings". Super fast to do so it's easy to try different scenarios and make a lot of different strategies.
They've also done tournaments with actual people, and then compared the different people's behavior to the different "pure" strategies that they made. This helps them validate that the behaviors carry over.
It's worth noting that nation states don't always behave the same as individuals, but often closer to the game theory ideal. Additionally, there are circumstances where tit for tat isn't actually the dominant strategy, specifically when you know that the game is going to end.
There is not a conservative community on Lemmy. There are, however, a few communities entirely composed of one guy posting conservative leaning articles that all get downvoted to zero and have a half dozen comments saying he's wrong.
This is the first I've seen of a conservative Lemmy community. God willing it is the last I see of one as well. At this point I unironically believe Lemmy needs a healthy amount of tankies so that right-wingers know they're not welcome here~ ❤️
That's mean to say but I'm trying to switch over from Reddit and I'm honestly just so done with MAGA stinking up every damn space it's insane, I don't want them to even breathe in my direction. With RFK Jr as the recent pick for the Department of Health and Human Services, I just might need to enforce that boundary literally.
From what I've seen, any "conservative" community on Lemmy is 2 or 3 troll accounts that make up 90% of posts. Why would far right people use Lemmy when Reddit, Twitter, and Facebook are so welcoming to them?
I knew a few people that died (working in a hospital) from COVID but the last one that did was a full on conservitive that was the first to take the mask off and complain about it.... until one day when I went to his desk and his coworkers told me he was out sick.... and then a week later he was dead from complications from COVID.
I unironically believe Lemmy needs a healthy amount of tankies so that right-wingers know they're not welcome here
That is one job they're good for. Been trying to tell the anti-leftist crusaders the last few years they're just facilitating right-wing safe space.
So now we got conservative communities posting breitbart and users feeling safe to critisize the Nuremburg trial. Like I know it is all the rage to question the holocaust on reddit now, but damn they move fast when they see opportunity.
Wait, he's still in his probationary period at a new job and he committed to buying a new house?! The job isn't even really yours until you're hired permanently. You can be let go for any reason at all. (I know this the US, where worker protections suck even after that)
Getting a new probationary job means you can commit to going out for dinner to celebrate, not tying yourself down with a 20 year mortgage.
To clear up some of what you're saying, it sounds like you're applying private sector rules to government jobs.
Government probationary jobs have fewer protections than non-probationary, but they still have way more protections than the private sector. Once they make it past probation, government employees can only be fired after 30 days notice and an opportunity to challenge the firing in writing, so it takes a while to lay the groundwork for firing an employee. And then a fired employee has appeal rights.
While on probation, government employees don't have the right to notice before firing, or an opportunity to challenge the firing before it happens, and their appeal rights are seriously limited. But the law is that they still can't be fired except for poor performance.
Claiming to on some level support Trump as a government worker is just common sense at this point, regardless of what you actually believe.
There's a sliver of a chance this article goes viral. If MAGA sees him as "one of them", he might get his job back. If not, he might get ruined in ways that go beyond job loss.
It's kinda like some Chinese protests have signs glorifying the CCP and Xi.
If MAGA sees him as "one of them", he might get his job back. If not, he might get ruined in ways that go beyond job loss.
As if. MAGA doesn't give a shot about injured veterans. For them, veterans are just an advertisement for the armed forces, and injured veterans taint the image. Also he's a textbook DEI hire.
Okay can we stop it with the DEI sanewashing. It honestly feels like gaslighting. Anyone who worked in corporate America for the past few years could tell you that DEI placed an overwhelming emphasis on race/gender. Those HR girlies were in no way placing emphasis on disabled veterans.
People act like it's only government workers that are lazy and wasteful. But lazy workers are universal, especially with the soulless jobs that the vast majority of people have to do in order to survive.
They think other government workers are a waste but they themselves are a special case because reasons. It's easy to criticize when you don't understand what is going on. Hopefully they learn from this instead of thinking it's an honest mistake.
That's not contradictory to conservatism itself, only to the way it's represented in the USA (and a few other countries, but in many countries there's a right wing party and a center-right conservative party)
I can’t tell if this is leopard eating face, or dog getting nose rubbed in. That sub has always been very tolerant of people contradicting the narrative you usually see fostered on social media. Was it co-opted by non conservatives? Maybe? If so good.
I can tell. There are plenty more just like you. Even reasonable articles that deserve consideration get automatic downvotes. How very mature. Ironically, that reminds me of conservative political sophistication.
"The last time the economy lost jobs was in December 2020, when the United States was still recovering from the coronavirus pandemic" Trump's first term. (fixed that)