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Nearly 400 Rabbis, Jewish Leaders Say 'No' to Trump Push for Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza | Common Dreams (2025-02-13)

Nearly 400 Rabbis, Jewish Leaders Say 'No' to Trump Push for Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza | Common Dreams (2025-02-13)

“Over 350 rabbis and dozens of Jewish public figures on Thursday placed a full-page advertisement in The New York Times protesting President Donald Trump's proposal to force all Palestinians out of the Gaza Strip and take over the coastal enclave …”

"’Trump has called for the removal of all Palestinians from Gaza,’ the ad states. ‘Jewish people say NO to ethnic cleansing!’"

"’Jewish teaching is clear: Trump is not God and cannot take away Palestinians inherent dignity or steal their land for a real estate deal,’ [one of the signatories Rabbi Yosef] Berman continued. "Trump's desire to ethnically cleanse Palestinians from Gaza is morally abhorrent. Jewish leaders reject Trump's attempts to wring profit from displacement and suffering and must act to stop this heinous crime.’"

#USPol #EthnicCleansing @israel