If there's one thing you can always count on in the Linux world it's that packaging can be a nightmare. The OBS Studio team are not happy with the Fedora folks due to Flatpak problems and threatened legal action.
I'm not surprised that the OBS devs are considering suing Fedora for their Fedora Flatpaks.
For anyone out of the loop:
Fedora's been packaging and providing apps as Fedora Flatpaks which cause users trouble cause they're honestly pretty shit and known to be unreliable. The issue is that users assume that these faulty packages are provided by the Original Devs and complain towards the ODevs.
As endless waves of users complain towards the ODevs it causes them unnecessary headache as well as costing valuable time and resources to tell users that it's actually Fedora fucking things for everyone.
All of this is unnecessary because if Fedora stopped installing Fedora Flatpaks as the default then there wouldn't be this problem in the first place.
Wait, why is Fedora making their own flatpaks? I thought the entire point is that they work on any distro and everybody gets the original source from flathub.
IMO, same reason they have their own repo, which eventually feeds into Red Hat enterprise, to have a trustworthy, curated set of safe (ish) software that's had eyeballs on it. A worthy enough goal, but that said, it applies a lot less to flatpaks. I personally used to remove theirs because I didn't like having multiple sources, now I'm on Bazzite which ships with flathub.
I asked this exact thing somewhere else, and the best answers I got were:
there is a somewhat legitimate motivation for fedora to package their own flatpaks in the context of their atomic desktops project.
they started doing this before flathub was established, and it was a better idea at that time.
So, as per usual with Linux, there are some obscure and historical reasons this is a thing, but it is useless for the majority of users. Fedora should really not have it configured as the default source for flatpaks out of the box
Wait, why is Fedora making their own flatpaks? I thought the entire point is that they work on any distro and everybody gets the original source from flathub.
Just to add to the other replies you've got, as far as I'm aware there's no reason why you can't add Fedora's flatpak repo on another distro. Why you would want to is another matter, but I think the fact that anyone can make their own repo is the fundamental strength of flatpak as opposed to snaps; it's not tied to one organisation, Flathub is the de facto central repo but it doesn't always have to be.
Thank you for the context. I've been kind of out of the loop with Linux on general and have been using fedora... But now a question. What's the most stable form of package and which distros use it by default? I've been kind of confused my the whole all image, flatpack, etc thing.
The most reliable way to distribute software on Linux is still to make a statically linked binary (linking with a very old glibc is fine) and use curl | bash. But that isn't always possible depending on the language used and the app.
Seems like OBS Studio is C++/Qt, so it shouldn't be too difficult though. I've done it before in the distant past. But looking at their releases they only provide .deb for Linux, so I can understand why people would want something else.
cause they're honestly pretty shit and known to be unreliable.
Can you elaborate here? I've had very few issues with Flatpaks and the documentation is pretty thorough. I'm curious what wider issues it has to make the whole ecosystem "pretty shit" and unreliable.
I installed fedora to replace windows on the 31/12/2023. I wasn't a complete Linux noob by any measure but haven't run it as a main OS before. Thank you proton for getting me over the edge.
The whole repo situation on fedora is honestly pretty meh, things are out of date or broken too often. Or they just don't exist. I have put arch on a number of machines since and find it significantly better. My main box will move away from fedora next time I'm enthused to mess with it and this is the primary reason.
One would expect stability and reliability from main distros, it's funny to me that Linux Mint is the thing you recommend your family to try because Fedora and Ubuntu, formerly popular distros, went to shit.
Fedora was always a bleeding-edge distro and never all that stable or reliable.
The problem is RedHat/IBM have been fucking with everything, and Fedora has suffered along with everything else and it's just kinda decayed a bit over the past few years.
....Ubuntu went to shit at least a decade ago, if not longer.