While I get what you're saying, a lot of people are practically powerless in front of these billionaires, that shape & challenge their very existence. In the face of such helplessness, I can understand attacking someone in that much powers' uncontrollable attributes.
It's easy to be trapped into thinking "treat them as you'd like to be treated", when the oppressor proves time & time again they will not treat you like one of them.
I totally get it. I just feel for the normal everyday person who has an unusual head shape that they are self conscious about being hurt by this instead of the asshole billionaire who deserves it. It's like making fun of him for being short.. Innocent people catch the strays. I stand against body shaming. But I feel you.
That's an excellent point, I hadn't thought of that. I suppose if the derision becomes popular it might lose this context and cause hurt to the wrong person.
I've got a flat spot on the back of my head that I used to be self conscious about. My 2¢ is that this guy isn't a human. Any attacks on his head shape don't really relate to me. So in my opinion, go ahead and let this traffic cone know that it looks like he cosplayed as a torpedo when his mother had to give birth. I'd wager that if his head shape made birthing him less painful, it was the most compassionate thing he's ever done in life.
Essentially, if we made fun of his head shape, someone normal with a simar head shape is going to read: "that head shape is bad" & is going to be hurt & more self conscious of something they can't control. That is collateral damage to an innocent bystander you may not have intended.
That's…such a non-issue.
If that totally devastates someone, maybe they should work on their resilience or fortitude?
Do we really need to pull out the world's tiniest violin for every contingency?
Definitely, especially when the "damage" is meaningless, imaginary, clearly not even directed at them, and well within someone's capacity to disregard & not take personally.
They really need to bring back the "Sticks and Stones" nursery rhyme: cultivating all this fragility & learned helplessness ain't serving humanity.
The Mesopotamians had some cool myths extolling humanity's ability to endure the gods' multiple attempts to exterminate them with disease, pestilence, drought, great floods.
I think people have some capacity to get over themselves & endure some ridicule not directed at them.
Imagine if the Mesopotamians instead wrote legends of the gods exterminating or curtailing humanity with the slightest hint of ridicule directed elsewhere.
Enki, however, as always never at a loss for creative ideas, devised a way that he hoped would finally solve the problem caused by the quarrelling gods themselves.
He decreed that from now on the humans' lifespans would be severely limited from the outset (in biblical terms to 120 years) by the indirect ridicule of their peers.
How soft are people that something like this causes damage to them?
I'm a fat fuck, but if you were to call, say, the current president of the US, a fat fuck, I'd just laugh and keep scrolling. It's clearly not directed at all fat people, but rather just the one that's causing a lot of people misery and therefore gets a lot of well-deserved hate.
That's great to hear you claim to have above average resilience to emotional harm, but not very great that you're making fun of people who don't have that.
Where did I claim to have above average resilience to emotional harm? I'm probably way below average. I just don't see what the big deal is with anonymous online comments, nobody should be taking those at face value. Remember when every 3rd sentence you heard in online games was "I fucked ur mom last nite"?
I have no idea why you're down voted, your point is absolutely valid. Perhaps people are angry and want to hurt those in power, consequences be damned.
3rd he contributed to p2025 which is a conservative manual to gaining power by dismantling systems, ignoring laws, that type of shit. And, without saying it directly, hurting minorities including women.
Targets now are illegal immigrants, who keep the country running by being cheap labor with no rights, and trans people. Neither are hurting anyone. But really most of us are getting hurt if we don't have wealth or that plus the right religion and skin color. Having all 3 is being at max level here, all the buffs.
He has control. He can afford a 10 gallon hat or some reinforced hair plugs. He could get tattoos that makes his head look like a rocketship or have someone's eye surgically implanted on that vast dome. Anything he wants because he hoardes amounts of money no one can ethically hold.
I would bet 1 of my balls that he's insecure as fuck but also thinks because he's got wealth and power that his preposterously proportioned pink peak makes him smarter/better than others. Like, his brain is elongated so his cerebellum is all parfait'd up. Billionaires - They not like us...
While I respect the intent, I do think that you probably need to consider the reasoning as well. Putting black and white morality over actions isn't necessarily correct either.
Poking fun at someone who is objectively evil over their appearance is "something" that an average person can do that might actually affect the person in question. It might not do anything, but it's sure as hell more appropriate and effective than trying to point out the issue with their moral stance. You can't always make a difference through peaceful or indirect means.
I think it's important to point out that body shaming someone who isn't a bad person is wrong, but it is also important to point out that for most people our words are our only recourse. You can insult a terrible person for one thing, while ignoring or praising the same trait in someone who is good.
I am of the camp that all rules should apply to everybody and that includes social standards. If it is wrong to say something to person A it is also wrong to say the same to person B.
But I am not American and idk who this person is and how he is “objectively evil” so I might be entirely wrong in this case.