While I get what you're saying, a lot of people are practically powerless in front of these billionaires, that shape & challenge their very existence. In the face of such helplessness, I can understand attacking someone in that much powers' uncontrollable attributes.
It's easy to be trapped into thinking "treat them as you'd like to be treated", when the oppressor proves time & time again they will not treat you like one of them.
I totally get it. I just feel for the normal everyday person who has an unusual head shape that they are self conscious about being hurt by this instead of the asshole billionaire who deserves it. It's like making fun of him for being short.. Innocent people catch the strays. I stand against body shaming. But I feel you.
I have no idea why you're down voted, your point is absolutely valid. Perhaps people are angry and want to hurt those in power, consequences be damned.
While I respect the intent, I do think that you probably need to consider the reasoning as well. Putting black and white morality over actions isn't necessarily correct either.
Poking fun at someone who is objectively evil over their appearance is "something" that an average person can do that might actually affect the person in question. It might not do anything, but it's sure as hell more appropriate and effective than trying to point out the issue with their moral stance. You can't always make a difference through peaceful or indirect means.
I think it's important to point out that body shaming someone who isn't a bad person is wrong, but it is also important to point out that for most people our words are our only recourse. You can insult a terrible person for one thing, while ignoring or praising the same trait in someone who is good.
And photographers ALWAYS retouch photos. Factoring in the minimum-possible insecurity and accounting for all other variables, my calculations put the absolute most-conservative estimate around here:
This is the reality. Not these pseudo-psych takes. Learning to program made me more socialist, as I realised the entire internet, and success of modern computing and information systems, was mostly the result of FOSS (socialist) software. Walled gardens and proprietary software are now the bane of my existence.
If you look deeper into every tech billionaire/oligarch, most of them were already born into the richest 1%; all born on 3rd base and believing they hit a home run.
I am now nearly certain that extreme wealth and power create the mental illness of narcissism (or at least surfaces/activates these tendencies, suppresses empathy, etc). Add in the fact that capitalism actively rewards narcissistic and criminal actions, and you end up with nothing but criminally corrupt narcissists.
You may be on to something. It kills me these asshats made all their money by taking from Government funded programs like Basic and from community free and open source projects.
Also many techbros think they are incredibly intelligent and good at all the smart things when many are like the surgeon who is good at their specialty but are fucking morons in all other regards.
This can be - and has been - generalized to all industrualization.
Tolkien wrote Isengard the way he did for a reason.
The history of Brutalist architecture is closely associated with fascism as it promotes societal ideals of a neatly segmented and ordered life.
Henry Ford. Just, Henry Ford.
Elon's technocratic nazi grandfather.
I would also like to remind everyone that fascism is simultaneously extremely dangerous but doomed to fail. That obsession for finding rigid rules where there aren't any, of constraining the real world to simplified models, makes fascists eventually lose touch with reality because they can't account for the messiness and human factor. At first they destroy everything they touch, kill anyone that doesn't fit the model. They then make fatal, obviously irrational mistakes like opening an Eastern front in Europe before tidying up the Western one because the Ideology says Bolsheviks are weak. Attacking the US in Hawaii. Not installing Lidar in supposedly self-driving cars. Invading Ukraine with an incompetent army and cardboard supplies against a dug-in western-supplied army.
It's not particularly helpful to the tens of millions killed by fascism yet, but at least we can rest assured that the fascist technosolutionists will lose and that plants will grow out of their corpse.
"Rather, he argued, the Holocaust should be seen as deeply connected to modernity and its order-making efforts. Procedural rationality, the division of labour into smaller and smaller tasks, the taxonomic categorisation of different species, and the tendency to view obedience to rules as morally good, all played their role in the Holocaust coming to pass."
A sociologist friend broke it down for me a long time ago, and, basically, rationalizing everything into a number helped to dehumanize people and paved the way for Nazi atrocities.
That said, I don't think "technology" on its own is fascist --- technology itself is dependent on how people use it, as others in this thread have pointed to the existence of FOSS as a foil to the use of technology as a method of control by those with power.
The problem is these people solved some novel problem in the world with their programming skills and it made them really rich. They have been lavished with praise, money, and attention their entire lives. They think they’re smart and that gives them license to invite themselves into other areas that they have no experience in. An example is obviously Elon Musk wading in to government, but even back during Covid he was making predictions about the spread of the disease, even though he has no background in medical science. His predictions were wildly wrong. Marc Andreessen is no different, and it doesn’t help that he literally looks like a cone head.
He's not a tech nerd any more than Elon is. They're just 80s business guys who are riding the tech wave instead of whatever the fuck the wave was in the 80s...so...cocaine?
That's not how this works. That dude basically stumbled into running a multi billion company when he was barely more than a kid. And quickly ran it into the ground, I might add. Yet he somehow thinks he is a genius and smarter than everyone else. Plus the isolation from the real world that being rich brings makes these people lose touch with reality.
Been doing it for 3 decades now, I'm still a normal human being who hates fascism and billionaires bect both make a large group stuff just to make a tiny group feel special
Technology generally does whatever you tell it to and the surveillance options are nuts. Any tech is gonna be used by shitbags if they can benefit from it. The problem is when someone is connected or has money they can be a literal sociopath and gain positions of power where they attempt to control people like they would devices, and sometimes no one stops them for a long time.
It kind of is? If you've ever built a computer game, even with a software that walks you through it, it is a completely different way of thinking. It's very black and white, the switch is either on or off. Also, you follow a direct path while trying to keep your code "clean." No emotions, just planning it out trying to get to your destination.
I don't think anything is black or white in programming (except booleans). And I'd say it can be very much emotional, it just depends on your goal and how you reach it. For me, I'd say programming is like painting or wood carving. It's a tool that can be used to create art.
Read into his Wikipedia a bit, never heard of the guy. Seems he's a cofounder of Netscape? And ning.com, which I'd never heard of. Its wiki page describes it as
a free-form platform for the development and hosting of open-source "social applications"
Sounds cool at a surface level, kinda like what we have here! But then I read on...
February 2018, Ning launched a monetization platform, enabling users to earn an income from their social websites
Oh... And sure enough, I load up ning.com itself and behold=
The thumbnail just barely cut off the top of his head. I was wondering what all these comments were talking about. I clicked and let out an audible oof.
This dude founded Netscape... the predecessor to Firefox. Just speechless to be honest. You'd think the guy whose browser was destroyed by Microsoft's anticompetitive behavior would be more progressive.
From page 20 of the project: "Vought (officially in charge of OMB after being confirmed recently) writes that the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) should establish a “reputation as the keeper of ‘commander’s intent,’”"
From page 21: " In Chapter 1, former deputy chief of staff to the President Rick Dearborn writes that the White House Counsel “must take seriously the duty to protect the powers and privileges of the President from encroachments by Congress, the judiciary, and the administrative components of departments and agencies.”
Page 28: "When a new President takes office, he will need to decide expeditiously how to handle any major ongoing litigation or other pending legal matters that might present a challenge to his agenda"...", the President should hire a counsel with extensive experience with a wide range of complex legal subjects. Moreover, while a candidate with elite credentials might seem ideal, the best one will be above all loyal to the President"
Page 32, regarding the office of presidential personnel (DOGE): "Playing “bad cop” in a way that other White House offices cannot (including serving as the office that takes direct responsibility for firings and hirings)."
Just want to let you know because of this post I searched up the head and am watching the first episode now. Im loving it so far. Man they don't make good old stoner shows like they used to. 90s MTV is a little before my time but early to mid 2000s adult swim shows were the shit.
If you enjoy that, check out MTV's The State. Be cautioned that the original broadcast eps had commercial music behind them that won't be there if someone ripped from DVD. So if there's bad music, that's why. You'll probably have to pirate them. A quick search didn't reveal quick hits on YouTube.
The monologues by Michael Ian Black are some of the best sketches. On Air Personality and Sleep with the State are especially good.
SMH TBH, fam. You all should be more respectful when talking about our betters. These genius men work so hard to create the world we live in and they are generous enough to share it with all of us, but you ingrates call them "egg creature," "freak," and "pedophile."
He is an accomplished investor founding the a16z venture capital fund and a tech software developer. All that other weird stuff, idk if any of that is actually true.