A tier: open camera, fossify suite, k-9, termux, simplenote, Acode, pie launcher,
B tier: gallery (by iacoblonut), peer tube, simple keyboard, floris board (might be higher if it used haptic feedback interface by default), unexpected keyboard (would be S tier if shift did not carry on selecting text once released).
C tier: FreeDcam, libre camera, geo notes, free paint.
Thanks, I'm trying out NewPipe right now but haven't quit got the hang of it, though Im not giving up yet, I just don't feel I can rank it yet.
Also i agree those Fossify apps are great that's why I included the Fossify suite in A tier. I realise now that maybe they arent all A tier so Here's my ranking of Fossify apps that fits in with the prior ranking:
Low S tier: Contacts, phone, SMS messenger
A tier: Gallary, file manager, Calendar, Clock, calculator
B tier: paint, voice recorder, keyboard, camera, launcher
Haven't used enough to rank:
notes - no sync and no markdown :(
Music player - just haven't used it much
https://immich.app/ I would also put in A tier. Not without its failings and requires a self hosted component, but holy hell is it good.
KISS launcher is also S. It does what it sets out to do and does it well. Not everyone's style, but it is close to flawless for people who like it.
Heliboard A tier. Much better (right now) than florisboard but no swipe typing
AntennaPod easy S tier or even higher. Completely refined, great podcast experience, almost no bugs, great stats, looks very polished, one of the best podcast apps including all non-foss
Eternity for Lemmy B tier. Great UI, but not all of the old functions from infinity are either disabled or translated to Lemmy which leads to some crashes and broken buttons.
LiftLog (B tier) is an open source weight lifting app. Not yet on fdroid, but hopefully in the future. Very simple, very beautiful interface, everything that I personally need except it doesn't yet have the feature to order your lifts chronologically during a workout which sucks when you have to modify the order or lifts done because you go to a public gym
Not for everyone. I like simply typing 3 letters of the app that I want and it being first up every time. It saves a lot of time rather than swiping multiple home screens or clicking into folders. Finding an app for someone who has never used it though is difficult like if I lend my phone to someone.