I was about to ruin your day by finding a valid email address that would be rejected by your regex, but it doesn't even parse correctly on regex101.com
That \\. part doesn't look right, but what do I know. Apparently control codes are valid elsewhere, so a literal backslash followed by any character, even a space or a newline, might actually be valid there.
"Yeah, my e-mail address is abc, carriage return, three backspaces and a terminal bell at example dot com. ... What do you mean your mail program doesn't support it?"
It helps if you break it apart into its component parts. Which is like anything else, really, but we've all accepted that regexes are supposed to run together in an unreadable mess. No reason it has to be that way.
Not necessarily. For just debugging purposes, you can still break them up to help understand them. Even ignoring that, there are options in languages that don't implement /x.
At my company we store our regex in the database with linebreaks in it, but when it's actually called to be used those line breaks are stripped out. That way regex that looks for X can all be all on one line and actually readable.
In my experience, it is good at simple to medium complexity regex. For the harder ones it starts being quite useless though, at best providing a decent starting point to begin debugging from.
Just pop them into regex101 or a similar tool, add sample data, see the mistake, fix the mistake, continue to do other stuff. it works there, pull hair
// abandon all hope ye who commit here
Edith: damit, Not the first to post this abomination
Hard disagree. The function regex serves in programs like Notepad++ can't be easily replaced by "writing it out in code". With a very small number of characters you can get complex search patterns and capturing groups. It's hard to read but incredibly useful.
I fall in the abandon it camp. Code is read way more times than it is written. I'd rather read an algorithm that validates input than read a regex that validates input.
If you're needing that level of complexity in a text file search, you already fucked up by putting the data in a text file. There's a reason data file formats exist.
I love regex and I use it a lot, but I very rarely use it in any kind of permanent solution. When I do, I make sure to keep it as minimal as possible, supplementing with higher level programming where possible. Backreferences and assertions are a cardinal sin and should never be used.
If I have a complex regular expression to code into my app, I write it in pomsky, then copy paste the compiled regex to my source file, but also keep the pomsky source nearby. Much more maintainable.
(rx "/*" ; Initial /*
(or (not (any "*")) ; Either non-*,
(seq "*" ; or * followed by
(not (any "/"))))) ; non-/
(one-or-more "*") ; At least one star,
"/") ; and the final /