Humors and enables? Is that when he went on his show and likened him to a neanderthal?
Rogan would exist either way, Burr going on and telling him off in front of Rogans fans is as much as you can really ask of a comedian. Burr has the ability as a wealthy white man in America right now to say absolutely nothing and just agree with the guy trying to give him further tax cuts while stiffing the working class, but he chooses not too. Hell, Burrs form of comedy would have landed him shit tons of gigs with the conservative base.
Yet people will always removed about everyone not being perfect. Persuing only perfection will always be a hindrance of achieving progress.
Yeah going on his show and throwing bro jokes around with him is indeed enabling. I call my buddies Neanderthals too and then we laugh and have a beer together like burr and Rogan do always. They’re friends, cause they’re rich and we’re not. So no matter what you do to defend Bill Burr and Rogan, they really don’t care about it since you’re not in their club
People don’t learn to just ignore celebrities and stop praising them for existing. Who cares what he thinks or says basically, stop putting a stranger on a pedestal just cause he tells funny jokes
My dude it sounds like you are the only one putting them on a pedestal. But yes, I always say thank you to people who go out of their way to do something they don't have too if I find it helpful.
You go where the people are if you're equipped to make them look the fool. Bill is absolutely qualified to talk to Joe Rogan and make him look clownish. The only people who should avoid Joe Rogan are people who nod along to his Facebook stories rephrased as people he knows' stories or offer no opposing narrative. It's like Adam Friedman going on Jesse Petersons demonic talk show. He said to a relatively big audience, "Freaking out because a college student says death to America, even if true, is kinda pussy shit, no?"
Yeah that's how I think too. The problem isn't Bill Burr going on Joe Rogan, the problem is not enough people like Bill Burr go on Joe Rogan.
It's bad for Rogan too. I use to like his show when it was him being a dumb guy talking to smart people. The smart people would explain things to him and by proxy I'd learn some things too. Or at least be entertained by a conversation between an ape talking to an astrophysicist.
But now Rogan thinks he's got good ideas and thinks he should talk about what he thinks. And his ideas are so very bad.