Comments broken?
Comments broken?

Are the comments broken for anyone else? A bunch of comments will show like this, cutting off a bunch of the parent comments. Is this a known bug?
It's broken if you use Top sorting but seems to work with Hot
29 0 ReplyMrBobDobalina This is the one. Thank you
6 0 Reply
jake_eric Yeah, happening to me too. I think some of the comments are showing in reverse order, too, like the child before the parent.
18 0 ReplyJeremyT I know there were some issues with being able to pull all comments or someyhing. I wonder if this is related?
10 0 ReplyDeftdrummer This was a server side issue and not related to Sync I believe.
9 1 Replyrbits It happens on my account as well though
3 0 Reply
Yep, using "Top" or "Hot" comment sorting (your default can be changed in the settings) results in comment orders being all borked. Just sort by New for now.
7 0 Replyhaych
Oh hey that's me!
But yeah occasionally I get top level comments missing and need loading, and comments a few levels down missing.
6 0 Replyorntar
How'd you get colored bar replies? Mine are all grey.
5 0 Replymruczek
It's a setting in the Comments tab
30 0 Replyutopianrevolt embedded link to a setting? that's pretty nice.
13 0 ReplyDigitalPortkey This is one of the coolest features I've seen before. Direct linking to settings!! Super cool.
12 0 Replyalexrmay91 Now I can't tell if two people replied to the wrong comment or if it's a bug...
7 0 Replyorntar
Rainbow road! Thanks
5 0 ReplyWigglingWalrus
How'd you do this?!
4 0 ReplyPuzzlehead
Thats dope!
4 0 Reply
showmewhatyougot Settings - > Comments - > Show colorful comment indents
7 0 Replyvvvvan
Settings, Comments, Style, "Show colorful comment indents".
3 0 Replytirestarter
I believe this is from enabling colorful mode inside Theme Management in Settings
Edit: on second thought, that wasn't it
3 0 Reply
Yes, it's the same with some comments for me, I think when I click 'parent' or 'more replies'.
5 0 Reply