Gotta hand it to him, even though he pissed off most of us (and I will never forgive him for reneging on electoral reform and reigning in CSIS/CSE for domestic surveillance), he's at least appearing to do the right things for our security during his swan song.
The most ridiculous thing here is the assumption that Canadians would ever be more than Puerto Ricans in this scenario.
(1) We'd only ever join under duress
(2) If democracy still exists in the US, we wouldn't be given the vote, because we'd vote against them
(3) If democracy doesn't exist anymore, then whether we are called a state or not is irrelevant
(4) Canada gets turned into a strip mine with everyone conscripted to go fight against Mexico or whatever Roman Empire-style nonsense follows so that we can't organize resistance
President Musk going hard after the countries with metal deposits that will help the electric vehicle company he bought, raised, and then shit all over.
When can we expel the US ambassador until they stop with this 51st state nonsense? I don’t even see the point of discussing Nafta 3.0 if the clown can’t respect his own signature. We will take the temporary 30% cut to gdp and emerge stronger in a few years.