You know shits bad when you start missing lootboxes. I guess when the alternative was skins that cost more than the original game, you'll take what you can get. Deep down Overwatch is a good game with good mechanics. But Jesus Christ, fuck Overwatch.
Same, gifted it to a bunch of friends and we had years of awesome jams. Then OW2 dropped and so did we. Shame, those were good times while they lasted.
That's just loot. You don't like lootboxes - you like when games function as games. The part they're bringing back is charging five actual dollars for gambling on bullshit that should just happen through gameplay.
I also liked them. Hopefully the article is wrong about
"Season 15 also features the return of loot boxes," a press release says. "You will be able to earn a variety of cosmetics when collecting loot boxes. They will be available from weekly and event rewards." You'll also be able to earn one loot box via the free battle pass and an additional two in the Premium battle pass.
Weekly and event rewards, and one free one per season??? That's just insulting