Hello, I am considering de-googling my mobile experience.
It seems like Samsung has bad security on their phones, which is why GrapheneOS is not available on Samsung phones, I guess.
Ironically, google pixel phone is supposed to be the best fit for GrapheneOS.
So anyway, should I switch ? Ideally, I want to keep my phone. But my phone is quite old at this point, so I can consider buying a new phone. If I buy one, which one should I get?
Also, I heard call and mobile data does not work well on GrapheneOS and the like. How bad is it?
When it comes to de-Googling, you have many options such as LineageOS, CalyxOS, and a few more custom ROMs. GrapheneOS is good; however, Google Pixel hardware isn’t great. After running GrapheneOS for 2/3 years on Pixel 6 and 8, I ditched the Google Pixel series and got OnePlus 11 with LineageOS.
This is true, but if you're coming from a Galaxy S8, a Pixel 9 will be a significant upgrade in performance. More comparable to an S21 or S22 as far as cpu performance goes.
People focus way too much on Graphene, Lineage with microG is fine for most people (particularly those who can't or won't shell out for a Google flagship model).
Hasselblad!? Wow, I need to replace my Pixel, been on android phones since the first google phones. This looks like just the sort of thing I'm searching for. Thanks for posting.
Firstly, my Pixel 8 completely died on me when I switched to GrapheneOS (the phone is to blame). I returned it and then bought the OnePlus 11 for half the price of the Pixel 8. (Pixel = £599, OnePlus 11 £349 from eBay)
There’s nothing wrong with the operating system itself; it’s just the limitations of the devices. I don’t think Google Pixel phones are worth the money, even though they have one of the best cameras. Besides, I don’t see the point, especially when you can get phones that are equally good (except for the camera) for a cheaper price.
Thanks, I guess I will keep my phone for now. As it is significant risk for me to install different OS, I would resort to using android and just replacing google apps with FOSS apps.
Sad that current infrastructure is soo dependent on the spywares.
As it is significant risk for me to install different OS
I used to be really anxious about it, but after installing GrapheneOS or LineageOS on many devices (I started doing it for friends who asked), they're all humming along nicely
The way I got comfortable enough to do the first one was upgrading my previous phone right after replacing it. Of course I found that the older phone running free software was more responsive and had better battery life. (Funny how not running crapware helps!)
Experiencing that difference was enough to tempt me to put a cleaner operating system on all my new phones immediately, going forward.
In the meantime, there's strong evidence that getting rid of random apps substantially improves privacy. May as well go for it.
But, of course, getting rid of Google apps is still the elephant in the privacy nightmare room until it's done.
Samsung have great security, and the GrapheneOS team said multiples times that it's one of the few manufacters that meet their security requirement. Unfortunately Samsung does not allow you to easily unlock the bootloader anymore and you CAN'T relock it after installing an alternative OS. This is the main reason why GOS is not available on Samsung device.
You can try LineageOS or /e/OS, both should have a build for your device but keep in mind that your security will be somewhat degraded. Your phone isn't supported anymore anyways so it might be beneficial depending on your threat model.
As LineageOS and /e/OS are way less bloated than Samsung stockROM you could benefit from better performance in several ways. I have revived a few device with LineageOS and DivestOS (RIP).
If you buy a new one I would consider a Pixel 8A or 9 depending on how much you want to spend, they will benefit you from years of security updates.
From my experience I never had any issue with calls or mobile data on GrapheneOS nor any alternative ROM installed.
If you really want to keep your current phone you could use a different ROM. One I know off the top of my head is /e/. I don't believe it's quite as hardcore about security as Graphene, but it might be your best option (or at least the cheapest one).
As for why Graphene only supports Pixels is supposedly because they're the only phones that support relocking the bootloader.
Edit: I forgot to mention that /e/ only works on Samsung phones with certain processors, so if your device is from certain regions (such as America) it won't be compatible.
8 pro, virtually identical to the 9 pro, is like $400 renewed on Amazon. It'll be more powerful than your S8, but not that powerful overall. Not sure how it compares to an A series, worth looking in to.
GrapheneOS is the most stable OS I've ever used. I haven't ever had any problems with it that wasn't a result to its security features.
I have been using Graphene for about 5 years, first on a 4a which was great and now on a 6a which is a bit crap tbh. The software is solid; it's the harware which is lacking. Much as I love Graphene, I'm having serious doubts about upgrading to a newer Pixel when this one becomes EOL. My partner has a 6 on stock software and she complains about that too.
On another note I recently installed e/OS on an old Samsung S7 Edge and I'm really happy with it. It's given a pretty old phone a new lease of life, increased the battery life etc. You can check if your phone is compatible here
GraphneOS only works on Pixel phones, I thought. You might be able to run LineageOS on your Samsung. Maybe I'm not being careful enough, but I'm on a Motorola phone with stock Android, and have focused more on avoiding spyware apps than worrying about the OS itself. I'd run GrapheneOS on my phone if I could, but at the end of the day I decided against a Pixel because I like the Moto hardware better and it's cheaper.
The Galaxy S8 was a good device (I had one) but you're right it is insanely old at 7 years.
You should absolutely ditch it though because as best I can tell, it hasn't received OS updates and Security patches since 2021.
Keep in mind if you do switch to GrapheneOS you will want to look into a Pixel, which have an OEM support period of 7 years (meaning they will continue to receive security updates). For example if you got a Pixel 9 you will get support until August 2031.
GrapheneOS also committed to do additional "harm reduction" security updates for many devices to extend the support beyond that period.
I am now conflicted. Some say that pixel is not great a device, but you are saying pixel is worth for GrapheneOS. How should I evaluate my needs and choose?
Honestly everyone is different and so has different needs. I have been running on my main devices CalyxOS for a couple years then switched to GrapheneOS after buying a Pixel 6A and the only downside I have with this device is battery life which is not amazing. They have improved that significally with their last gen devices (Pixel 9, 9 Pro and 9 Pro XL) and it doesn't seem to be an issue anymore while still not be really better than the competition.
I have also run other OS on secondary devices and honestly didn't cared about their security as much as my main device.
Your device hasn't recieved security updates for more than 3 years now, so if you don't feel afraid, or in danger of being hacked with a strong negative impact on your life installing LineageOS or /e/OS on your device will not be stupid as you will benefits from newer security patches and feature updates. You will lose some protection such as the unlocked bootloader but for some people it's okay.
You don't need maximum security but you will probably benefits from it. If your phone is still running well and that you don't wan't to change it yet it is okay. If you feel like it's important for you to upgrade your security by upgrading your phone consider buying a relatively new model that will have at least 4-5 years of security updates, since it looks like you're keeping phone longer than most people does.
You can lose freedom and buy an iPhone. Or buy Google hardware and ditch their software. If you want to buy a Samsung, a OnePlus or whatever and flash LineageOS on it I think you're better keeping your phone with LineageOS for a bit longer.
You can also debloat a OnePlus, etc but it won't be as degoogled as you may want it to be. Still more secure than flashing LineageOS on a currently supported device. Remember that Privacy ≠ Security.