H.R.1161 - To authorize the President to enter into negotiations to acquire Greenland and to rename Greenland as "Red, White, and Blueland"
H.R.1161 - To authorize the President to enter into negotiations to acquire Greenland and to rename Greenland as "Red, White, and Blueland"
This here is official US Congress Bill. Red White and Blueland! Here we come!
You gotta be f*cking kidding me. The stupidity knows no bounds.
40 0 ReplyMy 3rd grader comes up with better names for things.
11 0 ReplyIt's almost like the internet named it.
8 0 Reply
hohoho hahaha, I'm actually laughing out loud.
Holy crap.
wow. thank you for linking the actual bill.
WOW the books about how dumb and horrifically people acted during dumps second term especially are just going to be chock full of uniquely preposterous idiots.
34 0 Reply...books?
Oh you mean the things that were made illegal in 2026, now we just get
propagandaindoctrinationknowledge downloaded directly into our brain via the government mandated NeuraChip9 0 ReplyIt won't be government-mandated, it'll just be illegal to buy or sell anything without one in your head or your hand.
3 0 Reply
I just can't stop chuckling over the dramatic irony of Erik the Red getting his greatest prank of all time retconned to Blueland.
8 0 ReplyLet's turn DC into a micronation.
6 0 ReplyYee-haw!
4 0 Reply