So far, Quebec is the only Canadian province that has updated its legislation to allow wheelchairs and mobility scooters on bike and roll routes and low-speed roads.
Clarity over what can and can't use "bike lanes" is sorely needed in this day of electric bikes/scooters/wheel chairs/mobility scooters etc blurring lines and shifting goalposts. There's been a welcome explosion of micro mobility options and there needs to be clarity around what can go where as it's all over the show at the moment?! It's part a public awareness campaign issue, laws and regs, as well of course a major infrustructure issue.
I would argue that anything that can't reach 35 km/h belongs in the bike lane, and everything faster belongs on the roads. Once you get past, say, 40, you can keep up with cars well enough for it to not really make sense to be in the bike lane anymore.