I'm sorry, but the lede on this broke me to the point of uncontrollable laughter. This is just so profoundly stupid, I don't think Monty Python at their peak could parody this.
It's also a lot of water to waste in the West, which is unfortunate.
It would be funny...if it didn't almost flood/harm my own family members. The cities did not know the water was being released all at once like he did which almost caused catastrophic flooding. It was very scary for a bit if you are close to the rivers...
Thats terrible. Imo this was a blatant attack on California and nothing funny about it. The folks being hurt that voted for him also is just sad because they wont even complain about it because it outs them amoungst the cult
Hope his supporters (and everyone else) enjoy the food shortages that’ll be caused by this in 6 months. That’s not a joke. That’s what will happen because of this. We’re going to have food shortages in the US this summer.
...all without losing a single one of those supporters. When interviewed, multiple MAGA farmers said Trump was playing 4 dimensional chess and somehow his plan would provide more than twice the amount of water for irrigation than he released from the reservoirs.
"I mean it's just physicamagerks, every action has a double reactioning. You done learned that in homeschool physicamgerks. You let all the waters out and double come back. Trump sure is one heck of a genius. I also like his plan to kill Mexicans."
This is Disaster Capitalism with made-to-order disasters created by the Republican government itself.
MMW - Some of these farmers will go bankrupt due to the lack of water and their farms will be snapped up by large corporations. Republicans will claim that "Government is the problem", then insist that the Corp of Engineers dams, water management and distribution must be privatized.
No, I don’t think it would. Conservatism in the US is now a full-blown cult. The kind of cult where followers are obviously suffering but they’ve been convinced any and all sacrifice is worth it…
"These morons" may be misguided but they raise a lot of the fresh food you're expecting to be able to eat this summer. Wasting this water hurts them but it also hurts you, and especially the people who have less money to spend on food than you. How about we concentrate on striking against the willfully ignorant psychopath runningruining the country?