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BattleBit Remastered is dominating Steam because there's no catch: it's just a lot of game for $15 | pcgamer

  • I enjoyed the playtests. $15 is about the cost of a movie ticket and the game will give you many many more hours of entertainment.

    The voice chat was, during the playtest, pretty lighthearted and funny.

  • You love to see it. Great game, I'm taking a bit of a break, but will definitely be back soon to unlock more equipment.

  • Using FACEit anti cheat and dropping Linux is a bad look. The game also doesn't have any sound effects except for bullets. The moderation for proximity chat is also very strict, beware.

    • True they did a terrible job of communicating it. Apparently they are going to keep EAC for community servers or something. Not that I'm interested in relying only on community servers and developers that don't really know what they want to do. It was a neat game but not neat enough for me to install windows just for it.

      • Yeah maybe on a sale it could potentially be worth my time but the 15 dollar price tag is too much for these drawbacks imo

  • Accurate review. The game is good as is, I'd say you get about $40 worth of game for $15. the fact it is getting updates is the cherry on top. it's hella fun, is overall balanced, it feels god to play and there are 0 microtransactions, no battlepass and no "play 10000 hours to unlock the best weapon ". you pay $15 for the best experience you can possibly get out of a steam game, on par with terraria and vampire survivors (which is rapidly eating away at my goodwill with multiple DLCs)