Phil Eklund, Pax series designer, deported from Sweden
For those not in the know: Phil Eklund is the designer behind the Pax series of games, which are extremely popular and have several interesting mechanics. Unfortunately he's also a rabid libertarian and treats his rulebooks like political manifestos.
There's some speculation over on the place that shall not be named, that he was actually deported due to not having a valid work visa. I certainly doubt he's famous enough to be deported on recognition of his own assholeness. Most of his claims are also contradictory to comments his employer (who he will still working for remotely) has made. So take everything except the deportation fact with a tablespoon of salt.
He's Phil Eklund and he's a big fucking deal, when he speaks peasants like us should listen to the important things he's saying unless we want to be condemned forever to ignorance.
I really really doubt this is due to political reasons. Especially as Sweden Democrats have zero influence over practical, administrative procedures. Sweden is the furthest from a corrupt country when it comes to enforcement of law and order. Sweden's immigration rules and framework is super strict and even affects kids who were born there and lived there 20 years, who have never lived in their parents home country. They still get deported sometimes. It's awful. But blame the right thing.