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Qopy - The fixed clipboard manager for Windows, macOS & Linux GitHub - 0PandaDEV/Qopy: The fixed clipboard manager for Windows, macOS & Linux

The fixed clipboard manager for Windows, macOS & Linux - 0PandaDEV/Qopy

GitHub - 0PandaDEV/Qopy: The fixed clipboard manager for Windows, macOS & Linux

Hey, I built a clipboard manager mainly for windows, but it also supports Linux and macOS.

The reason, very simple I just don't like the default windows clipboard manager it does not have a search feature it's laggy it does not have an unlimited history and much more.

So I built Qopy which aims to fix all of this.

At the moment it's a very basic clipboard manager, but I have a few features planned that will definitely make it stand out.

  • How does it handle secrets, like a copied password I wouldn't want to have or keep in history?