An "unannounced demonstration" by Nazis ends when upstanding citizens push past police, steal a Nazi flag, and set it on fire. The Nazis leave, and the resisters are not arrested.
These people were just going about their day, and it was important to enough people to stop and get directly involved. They took on risks of bodily harm and arrest. I'm willing to bet that none of them were "prepared" for the confrontation.
"The protest was occurring on sidewalks designed for pedestrian travel. The protest, while very offensive, was not unlawful," a press release from the Evendale Police Department said.
The Nazis began to back off," Eley said. "They quickly jumped in the back of a U-Haul truck and took off."
Every time i see a u-haul now I'm gonna be thinking about how many Nazis it'll fit. This isn't even the first time I've heard of them using u-hauls for mass transit, lol