From what I understand, Republicans, especially in Florida, put out political ads targeted specifically at Cuban immigrants. They play off the inherent hatred of communism in this demographic to convince them to vote against the "radical Marxist Democrats."
A LOT of Immigrants and Illegals in the US are very pro-Trump. I spoke with a few in my old neighborhood to get their take.
They said that the government didn't worry them because it wasn't that far off from where they came from. They felt elitism created niches where someone knowledgeable could profit. Party of the entrepreneurs and all.
Two said they didn't want any more immigrants here, they felt pressure from the incoming immigrants to take their places and out-compete them for work.
Because this was the last trump presidency, there was less deportation talking. I'm sure that gave some concern, but If I had to guess based on their psyche, I'd say they expected the deportation to lighten the low-hanging fruit and take the pressure off their own jobs at the same time, expecting them would just be ok because they were always ok.
I get the concept of the meme. There are a lot of people out there 'worried' about immigrants taking their (absolutely safe, no fucking way they are going to get that job) jobs
However, fresh immigration does drive down the pay for trade work in areas where immigrants are skilled. Bricklayers, Drywallers, Painters, and Guys slinging up ductwork are getting paid peanuts.
Immigrants coming in do compete for the jobs other immigrants already hold. Any if their status is in question, they'll work even cheaper.
That's not the concept of the meme, you have 100% missed the point. Or rather, that's expressed in the meme. Yes, "foreigner" would want a cookie which the white guy has. But your conception is still that they're fighting over that one cookie, while the rich dude is actually hoarding all the cookies. You have fully fallen for the propaganda.