Unicorn Overlord. I've been working my way through the Trails series and just finished the Crossbell arc so decided to take a break. It seemed like I was seeing tons of posts and articles about how good Unicorn Overlord is and well yeah. It's an amazing game!
The artwork is gorgeous, the battles are a lot of fun, I love spending time just making little tweaks to tactics, gear, or units just to make a unit just a little bit better. It's an amazing feeling when you seem to get it just right and your unit just rolls through a map.
I loved it! I had played Zero awhile ago but only just recently played Azure. It was so good! Azure is probably my favourite so far. I've not started the Erebonia arc yet but I'm looking forward to it!
I was playing it though and was like this could also be called Trails of Randy haha. I actually really liked how much they expanded on his character though. I knew a couple major spoilers going into it which is probably why I put off playing it but I'm so glad I finally got to it.
If I had to rank what I've played so far it would be:
Wish I had the patience to learn all units and their counters. Game grinded to a halt for me because of this even though I like it. Will give it another go some time this year.
I've gotten back into Rimworld, I just got the BioTech dlc and I'm really enjoying it.
I love getting a little colony going and then almost inevitably seeing it slowly fall to pieces because of something stupid I did a few hours ago.
For example not having my power production behind walls so raiders keep setting them in fire. So now my base is in the dark and everyone is injured following 2 raids in a row.
Biotech was such a good expansion. Ideology and Royalty were alright (haven't bought Anomaly yet), but neither transformed the way I played Rimworld like Biotech did.
I asked, I'm loving the new mechanics. It's great having mechs around the base helping with construction and cleaning. I'm about to make my first scyther cuz I desperately need another melee blocker as my poor cleaner bot keeps dying every raid.
I finally started a blind playthrough of Dave the Diver after letting it sit in my backlog for ages. I'm not that far in, but it's great so far. The core game loop is fun and relaxing and the characters are all memorable.
And the over the top pixel art cutscenes, man. Worth the price for those alone.
I just finished Outcast 2 a new beginning and it was an amazing 25 hours. The main story is a super janky patchwork mess that barely makes sense. But the open world stuff, the side quests and the weapon upgrade system make more then up for it. It's a gorgeous looking, well optimized gem.