Elon's playing capitalist Jenga with the last guardrail protecting peasants from loan sharks.Shocking.The CFPB's $20B consumer clawback merely proves how systemic the grift is – that number's a rounding error compared to Wall Street's annual looting spree. Libertarians always rage against the one regulator occasionally doing its job while ignoring the Fed's permanent corporate welfare spigot.
Billionaire death cultists want us to believe consumer protections hinder "innovation." Translation: letting payday lenders algorithmically repo kidneys would boost GDP. Democracy's just the AI-generated hologram masking oligarchy's firmware update.
I really can't even conceptualize how anyone can be so ignorant that they actually believed these evil morons would do anything to lower grocery prices.
He's just doing all of the shit that actual legislators who need to be reelected don't dare to do. he's not a politician and he doesn't care. He's canceled already, so he's invulnerable. Republicans love him and there's no way he's getting "fired"
If you think about it, costs might go down overall, but the difference will be made up by less educated/aware folks getting raked over the coals by predatory practices. It's a step towards a more Darwinian society.
It would be Darwinian if the predatory practices hurt "less fit" people the most. And that would be evil in itself, and also detrimental to society. However, they will just hurt poor people, which is most people, as companies will just go "what are you going to do, sue us?"