“I can’t recall ever receiving this many calls,” Rep. Jim McGovern told Axios. “People disgusted with what’s going on, and they want us to fight back.”
"We will, of course, no nothing."
It's funny how when Republicans hold Congress the Dems can't do anything. And when the Dems hold Congress the Republicans are able to stop them from doing anything.
The funny thing is they can do nothing and still block some things from developing. Some Democrats are straight up collaborating by confirming Trump's picks for all sorts of positions. They could also try fillibustering everything Republicans put on the floor. The opposition is so spineless.
The real lesson in all this is how paralyzed (by design) we the people are in this moment. There's no pressure because the two parties break bread together when the cameras are off.
Term limits for congress
Outlaw lobbyism
Aggressively prosecute insider trading by congress (and their family members)
All of this takes ethics and morals though. We're fucked.
In both situations the problem is that congress is not acting when it should. When Dems controlled congress we wanted it push through bills. Now that GOP controls congress we want them to stop Elon. In both cases congress does nothing (and this has been the steady state for decades).
I suggest picking 1-3 topics, contacting each representative and senator one at a time, and communicating your stance for one issue. Call back and do the next issue, and so on. This process will help ensure your concerns are tallied.
Wow I never knew about this utility! I downloaded one for my smartphone and it’s extremely straightforward. You can even set up reminders so that it’ll notify you when you should spend 5 minutes calling your reps.
I’ll have to verify the scripts that I see, but it looks like it’s as simple as giving you the name of the rep, a script to read, a phone number to click so you can call them, and a logging utility so that you can just click the Next button and move on to the next rep. Makes it stupid easy to let your reps hear your voice and stance. Definitely going to try this out as I’ve been feeling so powerless and overwhelmed by the onslaught of these racists in power.
Thanks for sharing this. I had no idea it was this easy to track everything and make it simpler for me to try to fight back.
Calling is the best way to be heard by your members of Congress. I've heard staffers say they assume that, for every one phone call they get, there are at least 1,000 voters who share that viewpoint. It's certainly not a magic solution, but you should absolutely be calling your Senators and Congressman every day and telling them you want them to do everything they can to resist this attempt at state capture.
If you don't like calling, send an email. Or a letter. Although with snail mail there's a risk Trump's blitzkrieg will leave your issues behind before it arrives. But you can always update with another.
All the goofs that were making absurd blanket statements about how "Congress so old" and "Biden so old" and wishing baby boomers all just retire and/or die off? I wonder where they are now that we have idiotic 19 year olds being given the keys to the kingdom and told to just go nuts.
Maybe, just maybe - it's possible that being old is not an unqualified bad thing in of itself? Same thing for being young? Maybe not an unqualified good, either?
At least the baby boomers have some competency and quite a few have some wisdom...Bernie is even older than the baby boomers and knows the score and is still very sharp. I'd sure listen to him over a fucking young dipshit like "big balls" or his cohorts.
“Democratic senator? Remember when we refused to vote for your party, called you fascists and told you to fuck off while I let trump win? Why aren’t you saving me from my own stupidity??”
This is probably the type of person that won't bother calling, but, yeah...it hurts to know how many people chose to sit the fuck out, or throw their vote away on a pointless third party. Or worse, even voting outright for donvict.
Knowing full well that donvict was a monster. Knowing about Project 2025, knowing all of it.
Even worse, they encouraged OTHERS to do the same thing.