The way I see it, they're literally trying to affirm their genders. They're insecure about if they're really men or not, so they have to go by 'alpha male' so that everyone knows that they're not just regular males but the full roast brand. Men+. It's their version of a pronouns pin.
They also occasionally partake in other forms of gender affirming care like shaving their eyelashes because eyelashes are for girls. And getting together and going "ew girls" over Captain Marvel and other good looking women in tight fitting superhero spandex, in between praising how swole Joe Rogan is looking. These are things that make them feel like manly men.
And getting together and going "ew girls" over Captain Marvel and other good looking women in tight fitting superhero spandex, in between praising how swole Joe Rogan is looking. These are things that make them feel like manly men.
This is the part that’s absolutely wild to me, next to the notion that it’s “gay” for a man to want to please his partner during sex. More and more often now my wife tells me how lucky she is, not just for that, but moreover because I actually love her and see her as my partner rather than treat her like the help. Man, I almost lost her because I took her for granted, not out of malice—because I believed I was doing the right thing—but just out of thoughtlessness, and I cannot let that happen again. She makes me want to be a better person, for her, for our daughter, for the people, and it’s not out of some weird sense of religious patriarchy, it’s for its own sake. I am what I am due in no small part to her, and that’s the way it should be.
These hogs are seriously, alarmingly losing the plot over what it is to be masculine, and then shoving some twisted version of “gender” into traits and other concepts where it does not belong, full stop. There is a dangerous lack of understanding here.
Yeah they've created a crisis of masculinity but not the one they think. It's one in which they look at men who are gentle, kind, or even just normal and see insufficient masculinity. They think a balding man with a paunch and a good and stable career is less of a man because he isn't sigfried or heracles.
What is the place for men in our society? As people. The right is basically selling the idea that an overaggro epic hero is the only thing a real man is because the alternative is a slow and difficult growth whereby men cast off the chains and blinders of patriarchy and the rest of us joining in the growth as we learn to see men not as a threat/provider dichotomy but as just people. It's to continue the slow and difficult process of our society changing it's understanding of gender from as a class to as an attribute.
Couldn't agree more. Problem is that as well as selling the idea of the overaggro epic hero, they're also selling the idea that Men™, particularly those that happened to be born with a certain skin pigment, are under attack by the woke gay agenda.
And a lot of these people easily fell for it, allowed themselves to fall for it. Because some culture war bullshit perpetuated by talentless dickheads on YouTube and Twitter was enough to convince them that gay black trans women are running rampant kidnapping children and secretly brainwashing everyone by use of female superheroes and the occasional indie game that doesn't treat women like sex objects. So convincing these people that they should just be people is a tall task.
Personally, after more or less a lifetime of dealing with aggressive / ignorant / abusive / authoritarian (or combinations thereof) manly men, my faith in this kind change happening on a large enough scale is pretty low. I actually thought that we had made slow but steady progress since the '90s, but then the next up and coming generation tuned into Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate. Obviously without much persuasion from their older brothers and fathers to look for better role models.
The only hope I have now, is that all of this madness currently happening leads to a massive swing in the opposite direction with more and more people waking up. Honestly, from what I can see, I think women will (and should) be leading the large on progressive views in the future. Because gen z (and probably alpha) male people have actually seemingly done the opposite of progress.
And I'm really sorry for a fifth paragraph. I'm getting a bit carried away because I've missed this sort of conversation from Reddit. But to go back to the issue of older brothers and fathers not guiding their children and siblings. I think "not all men" needs to be twisted into "not enough men" because not enough of this silent so called majority have done anything along the way to stop this state of affairs that we're in now.
Hey, I still think that's a significant difference when compared to "male", the expected value of my gender. Or at least my new gender will be able to determine whether or not it's significant.