Yea Canada would be the only one to even remotely manage that, and that's taking the gamble that the US doesn't launch a nuke before it finishes.
Being said it would need to be the military, I don't think the average citizen would stop something like that. Especially if the invaders were another democratic leaning country. The only way I think you get civilians to fight is if it ends up being a communist country that tries to invade. The relational ties with Canada are pretty strong, many people have friends who are Canadian, and it's so unlike Canada that I don't think many would believe it was actually them if it was done.
Hell we're talking a country that basically shrugged and said "oh well they deserved it" when someone shot a healthcare CEO, I can't see anyone batting much of an eye if someone deposed the sitting officials, especially the head of the country, at least in it's current state.
Being said though.... if something like that did happen, I don't think it will be from a foreign government, I think it would be domestic. Not that it makes it any better.
With all their experience, the CIA should brew one up right now, the country could use it. Just for one in your life, though, try not to install another dictator, install an actual democratic government, as this country really never has had one
Based on recent events, I'd say South Africa. Because the afrikaners are still bitter about our role in ending their apartheid state, and a significant portion of the United States is racist enough to encourage it to happen.
Well, I think we'd have to give some of the Eastern seaboard to the UK. But some goes to France, some to Spain. And tbh a lot could be reallocated back to American Indian groups and councils. Oh, and a bunch would go back to Mexico, too.
Considering how powerful the US has in terms of geographical advantage and military prowess, I'd be horrified if any entity is capable of staging a coup in the US... Maaaybe if a few countries somehow convince Canada/Mexico to all work together. But all-things considered it certainly seems like a self-coup is much more likely for the US
Trump's government openly hates Cuba and has reversed Obama/Biden-era openness to Cuba.
Trump had Iran's most important foreign military leader assassinated, he is close with Iran's regional rivals and supports Iran's biggest enemy Israel.
Why a palestinian faction would try to do is doesn't need to be explained, I guess.
The problem is that I don't think any of the countries with the economic means to support a coup have any interest in doing so, and the small list of countries that would support another U.S. coup do not have the economic means to do so.
Putin is currently staging a coup, and it's on the United States' dime. If all of this is somehow actually the machinations of Putin, you can't help but be impressed with it.
Trump is a symptom of a corrupt system. Removing him is like treating cancer with a bandaid. The entire system must be challenged and overthrown, which includes Democrats and Republicans alike.
Everyone in the comments mentioning Russia as if Israel isn't the largest threat to us.
conservative 2nd amendment gun nuts will storm the capital and restore trump (or if he's dead, another Magat), most of the military voted trump, dude has full support. There ain't no "coup", you are describing an invasion/rebellion.
Never mind another country. No country's constitution is immune to the military taking over. Israel first, oligarchy 2nd, is a good case for military intervention that couldn't do any worse. Military rule doesn't mean aggressiveness towards other nations.