I need a kubernetes cluster with high availability, load balancing and horizontal pod autoscaling, because that is something I want to learn. I don't care that it's just for wife's home-made dog collars webshop.
I don't get this; a Pi isn't even in the same conversation as an old rackmount server you can get for free. You couldn't stuff half the compute, ram and storage into a Pi or a dozen Pis for 10X the cost of grabbing something off eBay for a hundred bucks.
That's if the Rpi Foundation is deigning to let us peasants even buy them these days.
I have an old rackmount server I got for free. Dual Xeon X5650s, 192GB of RAM, four 8TB HDDs, and a pair of 250GB SSDs. I can only use it in the basement because it’s too loud to run anywhere else, but even then, it’s currently off because it trips its circuit breaker under heavy load.
A power strip full of Pis in a k3s cluster doesn’t do that. I used a 2GB model 4 for the control plane and 3Bs as the workers.
If it trips circuit breakers it's using a terrifying amount of power. Honestly with energy prices I am starting to think old stuff is actually becoming a bad value in some cases.
Yeah that's basically it for me. I have a collection of dev boards, old hardware and stuff other people were tossing out set up for a variety of purposes (Kubernetes clusters, two build farms, network boot, etc.). None of it is because I feel I "need" any of that for self hosting. In practice two old desktops with a bunch of drives would be perfectly capable of providing everything I need including redundancy. I have all that stuff because I'm learning and experimenting.