I guess the better question is: why? To what end? Live out some doomer prepper fantasy? The world would be right fucked and you’d be out in the middle of nowhere by yourself which you could do right now without the zombies.
Stock up on canned food, ammo, batteries, fuel etc. Go to a cabin in the wilderness far away from everything. Check that I've got the essentials, realize I forgot something. Go back to town to pick it up. Go back to cabin, go back to town to print out some guides on how to preserve food, go back to cabin.
Motorcycle gear, much easier to get hold of. Kevlar reinforced, better mobility and riot gear isn't designed for the types of hazards that zombies pose anyway i.e. thrown objects and weapons.
The rotting corpses who only hunger for flesh are going to be eaten by animals and bugs. Because they don’t have regular ways to maintain water balance for muscles they will atrophy and become immobile. They will pretty much be a non threat while I have plenty of food and shelter to last me.
Many of the more modern and realistic takes have it caused by an organism that's gone endemic. Meaning anything or anybody that dies changes, regardless of if they were bitten. This provides a constant source of new zombies. In addition to the fact that other survivors are usually a bigger threat than the zombies themselves.
The power grid is usually one of the first things to go during a zombie apocalypse. Only the shelf stable food will be usable after a few days. That being said, there's plenty of space in the warehouse to hole up.
I’m going to assume the zombies are the result of a microbial/viral infection reanimating a cadaver. Those muscles aren’t going to stay functional for long, because the body is dead, systems have stopped etc.
I’ll just get enough water and canned food to survive a week. Just lock the doors and stay inside until the zombies outside stop moving.
Buy a lot of toothpaste and toothbrushes.
And I would ask those hordes of zombie to brush their teeth before they try to bite me as I would not want to get sick and maybe contagious right before I'm eaten alive.
Walking on the bottom of a deep body of water can make them get stuck very easily, whether in rocks or random junk. They may also have trouble getting back to the surface if they don't know how to swim
Crater Lake is the deepest lake in NA, so even if they could make it to the top of the volcano, they'd fall down the inner side and end up at the bottom of the lake.
Get gun, fishing rod and tackle, salt water filters, and those mre buckets bible thumpers are always selling on tv. Go to the marina and steal a keelboat. Dab on all the land lubbers still on shore.
Living on an upper floor comes in handy for once, as it's actually fairly easy to barricade the front door. Alert some key close friends and family members who will actually believe me. Then stock up on canned goods, fill every possible thing I can with water, and grab some camping solar kits for power once the grid goes down.
After that? Hunker down. Avoid being clearly seen in windows or heard to prevent attracting the undead. I reckon I need to last about 6-9 weeks.
See, the thing is, zombies are going to die out. The average human can go 3 days without water and 3 weeks without food. Let's assume zombies have a magical lack of need of hydration, so they last 3 weeks. Double that for the time they'll have ample food. Assume another 3 weeks that they'll cannibalize each other or something.
At that point, I can begin to venture outside. Small numbers of capable zombies may still exist, but most will be dead or starving. Other survivors are my greatest worry.
Depends on the zombie lore we are going with.
Traditionally, yes but this could a rabies variation so they are hydrophobic. You don't want the Office Uprising variant where they are still somewhat in control.
Realistically the military will eventually clear everything, I just have to survive the weeks it would probably take.
Id buy a bunch of shelf stable food, a wood burner, bunch of lumber for barricading, nails, portable batteries for keeping out phones charged, a big battery for the router (even when thr power is down, internet isnt), guns. A bunch of bottled water too. A bunch of hand sanitizer too to clean out hands constantly if needed
I think thats all I'd need to sit this out. I think the hardest part would be convincing family that theres gonna be a zombie Apocalypse
When I order nationally it ships today, arrives tomorrow. When I order from a neighboring country it takes 1 to 2 days longer. Just don't order from China.
Meh. Stock up on crowbars, axes, hammers, screwdrivers, etc. Drive into the hills and away from the cities, stock up on as much canned food and water I can cram into my tiny ass car. I don't have a gun nor know how to use it, but I'd probably try and kill a cop zombie at some point after the outbreak. Then only use it on myself if it looks like it be eaten alive.
Otherwise I'd try to live a quiet secluded life reading books, attempting to garden, fish, and trap small game animals. All while mourning my loved ones while waiting for the weight of the depression to finally convince me life isn't worth living in such a state.
Hopefully that takes a good long while, but yknow...that's unlikely.
I'd likely die of starvation or dehydration before the zombies got me, unless we're talking sprinters...then no way.
I used to play Project Zomboid. The game mechanics make the learning difficulty high and you have to start from the beginning if you die...and there is no plot nor point to the story other than just survive in a world where you are the sole survivor of a zombie outbreak. It forces you into thinking like this often the longer you play. Amazing game, but very depressing.
You say you used to play PZ... I recommend checking out the Week One mod with the new unstable branch of B42. Breathes some life into the world prior to the apocalypse occurring.
Well... My health conditions mean that I am unlikely to survive long term after apocalypse. Even if no zombies get me. The first week would be fine, the first month maybe, but I wouldnt be alive to see the second year. I could try to do a camping trip to see if the "apocalypse" passes over quickly. If not, then there is no point trying to plan for long term survival.
I don’t presume to know your conditions but assuming you need some medicine, maybe you could buy some chemicals and make it yourself? But no sounds like a rough spot, wishing you well
Yeah it really depends on a lot of factors, exactly what your city / suburb is like, and the nature of the crisis.
After a week or so of supply problems, a major city would be bereft of food. Unless everyone is dead, there would be a lot of desperate, nutty people.
On the other hand, as someone who lives in the country, the easy food here would get low to the ground real fucking quick even with just the local population. Like I can catch a feed of fish, trap rabbits, or even shoot a kangaroo, but these food sources would disappear in my area with even just a dozen people actively harvesting them.
I think that if I'm going to be hungry, I would definitely prefer to be so in the country just because at least you can get away from other people.
Depends on zombie. If it's not magical, how long would city water and power last without human attention? A human can only last so long without supplies and if there are, dense pops are going to be more dangerous than zombies trying to get them. Least in wild it's more stacked in your favor.
Go shopping. Enough to last for a couple of months. Bring some water, as well. Buy some lumber to reinforce the doors. A few steel panels to close off a few strategic places. Raid the library.
Wait a month and allow flies and the weather do their thing.
See the not-so-dead fall apart.
After I stop seeing movement for three straight days, start blasting noise on a high visibility location from my location and wait to see what crawls out.
By this time, I risk two months have already elapsed.
Go out, with a shovel and an axe.
Dig a large pit, fill it with fire wood. Lay down a few of the corpses. Stack it as high as I can make it. Cover with more fire wood.
Syphon some diesel from a random car.
Light it up!
Rinse, repeat, until all the corpses I can find are disposed of, grouping together all the survivors I come across.
I recommend buying potatoes. Not for eating, but for planting. Preferably before you lock yourself in for a few months. And along with it, a book on how to farm your own vegies from the library.
Potatoes are great. Low maintenance crop but it does require a lot of water. Sunchokes are a good option as well, for an Autumn harvest; keeps well in the ground. Down side is the winds.
I'd recommend getting some broad leaf vegetables seeds, like cabbage. My country has a variety that can be harvested leaf by leaf and just keeps growing and producing seeds, year after year. Some turnips, too. And some tomatoes and chillies. And beans.
I'd post on lemmy what yall do with 2 days left. That way some folk can go get ready by putting thought in there head while im Ieaving city center to air bnb a cabin in a mountain somewhere and getting a EV and some portable solar panels.
Book a long, long transatlantic or transpacific cruise that is leaving today or tomorrow morning. Bring as much as I can carry and a life straw and bunch of filters.
I wouldn't expect to live long on a small boat in the ocean even under normal conditions - if we got away before the plague hit, it seems we wouldn't get it. I mean if me alone on a boat wouldn't, then we together on a boat wouldn't either. If you mean it's already in us and we don't know who becomes symptomatic, then I would isolate in case I was a zombie, hopefully with some sort of means to self destruct if so.
I live near a number of gun stores, because America, and I have a realistic understanding of my capabilities. Now I'm not saying that I'm going to use the gun on myself, but the truth is I only really need to buy one bullet.
Id give up so fast, id maybe try to survive, but my plan would include getting bitten and somehow being immune to the brain damage making myself immortal, either that or die
If possible, just get in my family's van and get into a big enough accident that I die. I ain't living in any form of zombie apocalypse if I have the choice.