Remember when Donald Trump and the MAGA universe wanted to “lock her up!” over Hillary Clinton’s use of a personal email server for State Department business? Let’s be clear, we f…
I think a lot of people in these positions are doing what most humans do in crisis and are just looking out for themselves and trying to come out of this whole thing unscathed. I'm not defending it by any means, just pointing it out. Unfortunately for them shit like this always comes back around in the end. They're just delaying the inevitable.
Wonder how many Nazis used the same excuse. And we have significantly more protection and freedom than their situation. We need some actual spine in this country
Man, we're so fucked. I don't know what those foreign operations are; or how they are counter balancing external foreign operations. How is the CIA working against Russian, Chinese, or...I don’t know even British intelligence? What are they pushing back against? What data are they collecting? what contacts and assets are they making? I don't like that the CIA topples socialist governments but I'm not an idiot. I don't think that we don't NEED foreign operations like the CIA.
Everyone is getting exactly what they want aren’t they
You all do realize that the CIA isn't made up of 100% spies right? Those hires are probably IT and the like. Not that this wasn't awful in the normal way.
Yeah. Their main complaint was that those less high-stakes CIA employees still tend to be targets for foreign hacking operations, and giving our adversaries a roadmap for who to target is going to make that task substantially easier when it was already probably going pretty successfully.